Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server

Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server

adminLinux Server

Choosing the right server for your business can be overwhelming, especially with so many options out there. If you’ve been looking into open-source solutions, two names might have come up: Ubuntu and Zentyal. Both are built on the Linux foundation and offer excellent features, but they serve different needs. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server, helping you decide which Linux server is the better fit for your organization.

By the end of this guide, you’ll know the Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server difference and be able to make an informed decision about which server to choose for your infrastructure.

What Is Ubuntu Server?

Ubuntu Server is an open-source, Linux-based operating system developed by Canonical. It’s widely used for both personal and professional server environments. Ubuntu Server provides flexibility and scalability, allowing users to configure the server to meet their specific needs.

Some key features include:

  • Versatility: Ubuntu Server is highly flexible and can be customized for many different purposes, from web hosting to database management.
  • Huge Community Support: Since it’s open-source, you can find plenty of forums, tutorials, and developer contributions for support.
  • Stable and Secure: Ubuntu’s regular updates ensure that the system remains stable, secure, and free of bugs.

Also Check: Linux vs Windows Server: How to Pick the Best OS for Your Website

What Is Zentyal Server?

Zentyal Server is also a Linux-based, open-source solution but with a key difference – it is designed specifically for small to medium-sized businesses that need a server with enterprise-level features, but without the complexity. Zentyal is built on Ubuntu Server but comes with additional features, making server management much simpler, especially for those without an extensive IT background.

Key features of Zentyal Server include:

  • Ease of Use: Zentyal offers a user-friendly interface, making server management accessible even to non-experts.
  • All-in-One Package: It includes built-in tools for domain control, email, file sharing, firewall, and more, all configured out of the box.
  • Enterprise-Level Security: Zentyal focuses heavily on security, with regular updates and patches to keep your business safe.
  • Commercial Support: Unlike the community-driven support of Ubuntu, Zentyal offers commercial support, making it a great option for businesses that need professional assistance.

Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server: Key Differences

Now that we’ve introduced both, let’s dive deeper into the Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server difference and compare them on a few crucial factors.

1. Ease of Setup and Use

  • Ubuntu Server: Setting up Ubuntu Server requires manual installation and configuration, which might be challenging for those who don’t have prior experience with Linux or server management. The learning curve is steep, and you’ll need to set up various services like domain control, mail, and firewall individually.
  • Zentyal Server: Zentyal shines in this category. It’s built on top of Ubuntu, but its graphical user interface makes server management a breeze. With everything from mail to domain management available out of the box, Zentyal is ideal for businesses without a dedicated IT team. The pre-configured settings save time and minimize errors.

2. Features and Customization

  • Ubuntu Server: This is where Ubuntu Server offers endless possibilities. Since it’s fully customizable, you can configure it to meet the specific needs of your project. Whether you want to run a web server, file server, or email server, Ubuntu has the flexibility for all use cases. However, this customization requires expertise in Linux commands and configuration files.
  • Zentyal Server: While Zentyal is built on Ubuntu, it offers a more focused range of features tailored to small and medium businesses. With Zentyal, you can easily manage domains, emails, file sharing, and security services without needing in-depth technical knowledge. However, Zentyal is less customizable than Ubuntu due to its out-of-the-box nature.

3. Security and Updates

  • Ubuntu Server: Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, provides regular updates and security patches, making Ubuntu one of the most secure Linux distributions. The community is also active, contributing to the security and stability of the OS.
  • Zentyal Server: Since Zentyal is built on Ubuntu, it inherits all the security features of Ubuntu Server. However, Zentyal goes a step further with additional enterprise-level security features like integrated firewall management, automated backups, and more frequent security updates. For businesses looking for peace of mind, Zentyal’s dedicated commercial support ensures you’re never alone in managing your server’s security.

Recommended reading: 5 Reasons to Migrate Your Linux Server from CentOS to Zentyal

4. Commercial Support and Community

  • Ubuntu Server: The support for Ubuntu Server comes primarily from its vast global community. You’ll find numerous forums, documentation, and online resources. However, Canonical does offer optional commercial support through Ubuntu Advantage for businesses that need more hands-on assistance.
  • Zentyal Server: Zentyal offers premium, commercial-grade support, which is a huge advantage for small and medium businesses. Having access to professional support ensures that if something goes wrong, you won’t be left troubleshooting on your own. For businesses that can’t afford downtime, Zentyal’s support packages offer faster resolution times and proactive help.

5. Server Management and Scalability

  • Ubuntu Server: Ubuntu Server is highly scalable, making it suitable for a wide range of environments, from small setups to massive enterprise systems. However, managing large-scale deployments on Ubuntu Server requires advanced IT skills.
  • Zentyal Server: While Zentyal is designed for small to medium businesses, it offers the right balance of scalability and ease of use. Zentyal’s management interface makes scaling easier without requiring advanced technical knowledge. It also simplifies complex tasks like adding users or managing services.

Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server: Which Is Better?

When it comes to the Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server comparison, both have their strengths. The choice between them depends on your specific needs.

  • Choose Ubuntu Server if: You are comfortable with Linux commands and want a server that can be customized to fit your precise requirements. Ubuntu is a good option for advanced users and IT professionals looking to manage everything themselves, from security to software installation.
  • Choose Zentyal Server if: You want an all-in-one solution that is easy to manage without needing a full-time IT staff. Zentyal Server is perfect for small to medium businesses that need enterprise-grade features but don’t want the complexity of manual configuration.

At Zentyal, we aim to provide businesses with a seamless, secure, and user-friendly server solution. Zentyal takes the powerful features of Ubuntu Server and wraps them in an intuitive interface, backed by commercial support. It’s designed to meet the needs of businesses that want reliability without the steep learning curve.

Why Choose Zentyal Server?

  1. User-Friendly Interface: With Zentyal, you won’t need to mess around with command lines or complicated configurations. Everything is laid out in an intuitive interface.
  2. Enterprise Features: Zentyal includes built-in features for domain management, email, file sharing, and more – everything a small business needs in a single package.
  3. Security Focused: Zentyal offers enterprise-level security, automated updates, and a commercial support team ready to handle any issues.
  4. Commercial Support: Zentyal’s support packages provide you with peace of mind, so if you run into issues, you’ll have a professional team to help resolve them quickly.


The Ubuntu Server vs Zentyal Server difference boils down to customization vs ease of use. While Ubuntu Server offers more customization options for advanced users, Zentyal Server provides a simpler, more integrated solution with a focus on usability, making it ideal for businesses that want enterprise-grade features without the complexity.

At Zentyal, we offer the best of both worlds—an easy-to-use, highly secure Linux-based server that simplifies your IT management. Whether you’re new to server management or an experienced user looking for a more streamlined solution, Zentyal is designed to help your business succeed.

Ready to experience the power of Linux? Get a 15-day free trial of the Zentyal server and discover how our dedicated Linux server solutions can transform your business.