Zentyal 3.0-rc2 available for download!


Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the second release candidate of Zentyal 3.0 is now available for download and testing! This version is based on the new Ubuntu 12.04.1 installer and besides all the bug fixing done since the first release candidate, it features a new Samba 4.0 beta8 and lots of additional improvements and polishing.

Now it is definitively the time to download Zentyal 3.0-rc2, test it throughout and help ironing out the remaining flaws! You can download the new installer from the Beta Downloads page: http://www.zentyal.org/beta/. If you already have installed Zentyal 3.0-rc1, simply upgrade your packages to the latest available versions (Software Management module) or using apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. Please note that Zentyal 3.0-rc2 is a release candidate and it is not intended for production environments.

The release of the Zentyal 3.0 is almost here, so your help in finding bugs now is more important than ever to make Zentyal 3.0 the best release in the history! So, don’t forget to report any bugs you come up with, either through the bug tracker or the Official Zentyal Forum. To liven up the bug hunt, we will reward the most active bug-reporters as well as the persons who report the trickiest bugs with Zentyal t-shirts!

Happy testing!