Legal Notice and Privacy Policy



This document is constituted as the Legal Notice and the Terms of Use that regulate the access, navigation and use of this web page.

Identification data

This website belongs to Gesforeda, S.L. (hereinafter, “ZENTYAL”), a company in force and duly constituted in accordance to Spanish Law, with Tax Identity number B44254571 and home offices in Zaragoza (Spain), Paseo Ruiseñores, 14-16, and inscribed in the Commercial Registry of Zaragoza, book 4368, paper 51, section 8, leaf Z-64624.

For general questions you can contact us through our contact section, via email [email protected]. For sales, please contact through


As a owner of this website ZENTYAL encourages and welcomes the participation and contributions of the community to the development, expansion and improvement of our products or services. To contribute into community sections (,,, etc.) you must register, accept and comply with the conditions herein. Your user name and password are confidential. You must keep private and contact us in case of theft, loss or misuse of them. Otherwise, you will be liable for the consequences or damages caused by any fraudulent or improper use.

ZENTYAL informs that as soon as the User navigates on this website or uses the services offered through it, he/she becomes a User and such navigation will be considered as express, voluntary and unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice. Therefore, the User is recommended to read and understand this Legal Notice, each time they wish to access the website, and in case of not accepting these Conditions, they must refrain from accessing and/or using the contents and services offered by ZENTYAL on this website.

The User agrees to make proper use of the website, in accordance with the applicable regulations and this Legal Notice. The User shall be liable to ZENTYAL or to a third party for any loss or damage that may be caused as a result of incorrect use of the website. Consequently, Users will be fully responsible for the correct use of the website subject to current legislation, whether national or international, as well as the principles of good faith, morals, good customs and public order, obliging to use the material contained in the Web diligently and in accordance with current regulations

The User expressly declares that he is of legal age, or in any case that he is legally qualified to accept, understand and assume the rights and obligation herein. The purpose of community sections is to provide information, help or a space for discussion and debate between ZENTYAL users. Users agree to respect other participants’ opinions and to use this space and tools in accordance with the above. In particular Users shall not (a) introduce or transmit, by any means, content that may be illegal, dangerous or could be harmful or offensive to third parties’ rights or interests, (b) disclose any personal, private, confidential or secret data without authorization or consent, (c) introduce or transmit, by any means, material that may contain viruses or any software or applications that might be used to interrupt, modify, destroy, limit or control a computer or any files or data included in it, (d) prohibit, limit or modify ZENTYAL’s website operation or contents, (e) remove or collect any information or personal data without the corresponding authorization or consent, (f) introduce or transmit, by any means, commercial or promotional information, chain letters, pyramid schemes or any other similar content without prior content.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

This website and their content or elements are property of ZENTYAL or third party licensors and are protected under intellectual property laws and international treaties, included but not limited the software source and object code, user interfaces, databases, structure, design, images, sounds, texts, manuals, diagrams and other components. The above will not apply to content management software, store, plugins, themes and components owned by third parties. ZENTYAL participates in the development and improvement of other open source projects. Any code contributed to them is copyright of the author, and will be submitted and governed by the license and other conditions set out in the relevant project. Large part of Zentyal Server software is open source and is released under GNU General Public License version 2 or higher. We really appreciate any contribution for the development of our software and its documentation, so any code submitted to the project will be released directly under GNU General Public License version 2 or higher. Any user who participates in any way in our community agrees to the following conditions and is responsible, if applicable, of any violation of third parties’ rights. The names and logos of “Zentyal” and domain names,, or are registered and protected as trademarks and domain names regulation. ZENTYAL allows the use of this trade mark provided reflects faithfully the owners’ products or services, without implying or grants any intellectual property right. The above mentions do not imply any recognition of ownership, license, right or power beyond the terms strictly indicated. In any case, User is committed to use those contents and software pursuant the above terms, and to protect them as a third party good. Any failure to comply with these terms may constitute an illegal activity, which may be prosecuted under applicable law. The names and logos of third parties contained in this website or documentation may be protected as trademarks and property of their respective owners.

Limitation of liability

The contents of this website are provided just for information purposes. Our products and services are permanently evolving, so the contents of the website are not necessarily exhaustive or clearly descriptive of their full features, and cannot integrate a commercial offer or raise any claim, except as indicated in our store legal terms. Users are liable for their actions or contents introduced in the community spaces. ZENTYAL, the administrators or moderators will take care of the community spaces but they are not required to monitor and control such content or information, so they refuse any liability related or in connection to them. In any case, if you consider that any content fails to comply with these terms, or otherwise may be considered illegal, please contact us in order to take the appropriate actions.

ZENTYAL does not guarantee the continued access, nor the correct visualization, download or use of the elements and information, contents, in the pages of this website, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond their control or will, nor by those produced by computer viruses on the Internet. Consequently ZENTYAL declines any responsibility for damages of any kind that may arise from the previous. In any case, ZENTYAL will only be liable for any damages that the User may suffer as a result of a malicious or manifestly negligent action on their part, in relation to access to its website, the use of its content, tools and functionalities.

Third party links

The links available on this website may lead the User to other Web pages and applications managed by Third Parties, of which, under no circumstances, ZENTYAL is responsible, so ZENTYAL is not responsible for the content or status of these web pages and applications. Likewise, the inclusion of these hyperlinks does not imply any association or participation between ZENTYAL and the connected entities.



Through this website we collect and process personal data, necessary to manage the relationships with our customers, prospects, users and contributors, and for responding their petitions, questions and suggestions about our products and services.


The owner of this website and responsible for the processing of such personal data GESFOREDA S.L (Hereinafter “ZENTYAL”). If you want to know more about us, please see our Legal Notice.

Information about the origin, collection, treatment and conservation of your data

The User is informed that by providing us their data through any of the channels enabled for this purpose, this data including the IP address corresponding to their connection and/or computer will be incorporated into our databases. By submitting this information, the User expressly authorizes ZENTYAL to treat the data for the purposes indicated, this consent being the legal basis that enables the treatment. Additionally, in case of purchasing the products or services under the Zentyal brand in accordance with the Sales Conditions of this website, your data will also be provided to MILLSICO LLC (hereinafter, MILLSICO), a company of US nationality, with address at 304W 115th st PH B, New York, NY, 10026, United States of America, as licensee/distribution partner of the products or services marketed under the Zentyal brand.

The personal data provided to us will be processed in accordance with the current European and Spanish regulations on data protection, that is, the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the European Council, of April 27, 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation) and its implementing regulations are repealed.

Data will be processed and stored confidentially by applying the sufficient technical and organizational measures to guarantee the confidentiality and rights of those affected and to prevent unauthorized access, loss or deletion of data and to avoid that the data will be tranferred without your consent to other entities or third parties that are not indicated in this Privacy Policy and in the legally permitted cases. The User is also informed that ZENTYAL will not make international transfers of its data except in cases where it is appropriate and with due guarantees.

Where expressly indicated, data marked with an asterisk (*) will be mandatory, without which we will not be able to process the corresponding requests. By registering and accessing to any section of this website or by sending your data through our contact forms and to any of the addresses indicated on this website, you fully accept and authorize the use and processing of the provided data in accordance with the corresponding purposes.

In case you hire our services, your data will be processed in order to process the corresponding orders/purchases, the execution of the contract, manage the customer service, and internally to comply with our administrative, accounting and tax obligations. Your data will be kept depending on the duration/execution of the contract, and subsequently until the legal responsibilities derived from all the above. The legal basis for the treatment is the compliance and management of the contract signed with us.

In the case of customers, we may use your data to send you electronic commercial communications related to our services and products that are similar to those you have purchased, unless you opt out when placing the order, or later on any time, according to what is established in the following section.

In case you are interested in working with us and you send us your CV, we inform you that your data will be incorporated into our files and this data will be used for current or future selection processes, your consent being the legal basis that enables the treatment. This data will be kept during the selection processes, or generally for a maximum period of one year, after which it will be deleted.

Newsletter subscription

Subscribing to our newsletter means that you asking for and auhtorizing us to regularly send to your email news and exclusive promotions relating our activities and services. You may refuse to receive those communications and request your email removal from our lists at any moment just replying to the sender with the subject “UNSUBSCRIBE”.

The above data will be kept indefinitely, unless you object to the aforementioned treatment, your consent being the legal basis for the treatment of your data.

Your rights

In any case, the affected party may at any time exercise their rights of access, deletion, opposition, rectification, limitation of processing and portability in relation to said data, in the terms provided by law, requesting it from any of the addresses indicated in our Legal Notice. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of filing a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in case you consider that the treatment of your data is not appropriate.


By registering and participating in our community sections (forums and mailing lists, documentation, translations or code) your expressly allow us to process your data to manage those contributions and guarantee a proper use of the community. Your username (nick) will be public and provided in connection with your contributions. We also publish on our website a list of contributors.

The above data will also be maintained indefinitely. However, you can oppose at any time to the indicated treatment or the publication of the data, your consent being the legal basis for said treatments.


The information you provide when registering at any ZENTYAL events may be used by us to contact you either by email or phone to notify you about future activities, products or services that we believe may be of interest to you.

We request your consent to make such communications upon registration, your consent being the legal basis that enables such treatment.

The above data will be maintained indefinitely unless you decide to exercise of your rights and oppose the aforementioned treatment.


Acceptance and consent

GESFOREDA SL (hereinafter, “ZENTYAL”) informs the User that this website uses cookies for security reasons, to manage registered user sessions, interact with social networks, analyze visits and activities of anonymous or registered users, and to keep the selected language in your navigation through our pages.

In accordance with the Law 34/2002 of July 11, regarding Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, ZENTYAL is authorized to use data storage and recovery software (Cookies), as long as user consent has been obtained, after having provided them with clear and complete information about the usage of the cookies.

The acceptance of this Cookies Policy implies that the User has been correctly informed, in a clear and complete way about the use of Cookies, and with it the usUserer authorizes ZENTYAL for its use in the terms indicated in this policy. However, the User may, at any time, disable cookies for social networks and for visit and activity analytics through this application, or subsequently delete them through your browser options. The rest of the cookies are required for providing our services, so its rejection may affect website access and functionalities. Some browsing information regarding your IP address is stored daily in our log files. Specifically, your IP address, your browser, screen definition, language, operating system, and referrals (including any criteria introduced in a search engine), that may analyze trends, administer website content and linking, and process statistical information relating visitors. User remains anonymous throughout the process and we will not make any effort to associate your IP address with any other personal data.

The User is warned that not all Cookies have the same consideration from a legal point of view. With respect to the use of some of them, as they are not considered intrusive, it will not be necessary to obtain your consent to be used. These are cookies that allow communication between the User’s computer and the network, as well as those that strictly provide a service requested by the User, such as:

  • User input cookies.
  • Authentication or user identification cookies (session only).
  • User’s security cookies.
  • Multimedia player session cookies.
  • Session cookies to balance the load.
  • Customization cookies for the user interface.
  • Add-on cookies (plug-in) to exchange social content

What is a cookie and what is the purpose of a cookie?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to a User’s device (computer, tablet, smarthpone etc.), when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow, among other things, that a web page can store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a User or their device and, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their device, they can be used to recognize the User.

What kind of cookies are there?

Cookies can be classified into three different categories:
According to the entity that manages them:

  • Own cookies: those sent to your device from our own computers or domains and from which we provide the service you request.
  • Thrid party cookies: those sent to your device from a computer or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity, such as those used by social networks.

According to the period of time they remain activated:

  • Session cookies: temporary cookies that remain in the cookie file of your navigation until you leave the web page, so none is recorded on the hard drive of the User’s device.
  • Persistent cookies: those cookies that are stored on the hard drive and our website can read them every time you make a new visit. A permanent cookie has a specific expiration date, date on which the cookie will stop working.

According to its purpose:

  • Technical cookies: those necessary for the navigation and operation of our website. They allow for example, control traffic and data communication or share content through social networks.
  • Personalization cookies: those that allow the user to access the service offered by our page with predefined characteristics based on a series of criteria, such as language, the type of browser through which the user will access the service, the regional configuration from where the service is accessed, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: those that allow us to quantify the number of users in order to perform the measurement and statistical analysis of the use made by users of the services provided.
  • Advertising cookies: those that allow the management, in the most efficient way possible, of the advertising spaces that are included in a web page.

Cookies used on this website

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, in this section we will detail the cookies used on this website with the aim of informing you as accurately as possible:

Name of the Cookie Duration Description
__utma 2 years from set/update Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created
when the javascript library executes and no existing
__utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is
sent to Google Analytics.
__utmt 10 minutes Used to throttle request rate.
__utmb 30 mins from set/update Used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created
when the javascript library executes and no existing
__utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is
sent to Google Analytics.
__utmc End of browser session Not used in ga.js. Set for interoperability with urchin.js.
Historically, this cookie operated in conjunction
with the __utmb cookie to determine whether
the user was in a new session/visit.
__utmz 6 months from set/update Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how
the user reached your site. The cookie is created
when the javascript library executes and is updated every
time data is sent to Google Analytics.
__utmv 2 years from set/update Used to store visitor-level custom variable data.
This cookie is created when a developer uses the

method with
a visitor level custom variable. This cookie was
also used for the deprecated _setVar
method. The cookie is updated every time data is
sent to Google Analytics.
woocommerce_cart_hash 1 day WooCommerce. Contains information about the cart as a whole and helps WooCommerce know when the cart data changes.
woocommerce_items_in_cart 1 day WooCommerce. Contains information about the cart as a whole and helps WooCommerce know when the cart data changes.
wp_woocommerce_session_ 2 days WooCommerce. Contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer.
wmc_current_currency 1 day WooCommerce. Stores the selected currency in the cart.
AKDC 1 day PayPal. Manages the user status.
LANG 2 days PayPal. When making a payment via PayPal, issued for session/security.
X-PP-SILOVER 1 day PayPal. When making a payment via PayPal, issued for session/security.
akavpau_ppsd Forever PayPal. Provides information to Paypal to allow payment within our website through this payment method. This cookie, like the rest, is accepted in the PayPal cookie policy when the user registers on the platform.
nsid Forever PayPal. Provides information to Paypal to allow payment within our website through this payment method. This cookie, like the rest, is accepted in the PayPal cookie policy when the user registers on the platform.
ts 3 years PayPal. When making a payment via PayPal, issued for session/security.
tsrce 1 day PayPal. When making a payment via PayPal, issued for session/security.
x-csrf-jwt 7 days PayPal. When making a payment via PayPal, issued for session/security.
pll_language 1 year Polylang. Helps to remember the language selected by the user when he comes back to visit again the website. This cookie is also used to get the language information when not available in another way.
mc_landing_site 14 days MailChimp. Page visitor entered your site on

On our website you can find links to other websites. In this regard, the User is warned that this Cookies policy does not cover the use of cookies made by these linked websites. If you choose to follow these links, we recommend you read the cookies policies of each of the linked websites.

The data referred to cookies will be maintained during the time of validity of the aforementioned cookies. The legal basis for the treatment is the consent of the User accepting these cookies, as well as our legitimate interest in terms of analysis and measurement of statistics and web traffic.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company with home offices at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics uses its own cookies to help analyze how users use this website. The information generated by the cookie, including your IP address, will be transmitted to and processed by Google in United States of America. Google will use this data, referring pages and searches, location data, and other surfing habits, to collect information on the use of this website, compiling activity reports and providing other services related to Internet use. The use of this information is solely responsibility of Google, which establishes in their conditions that may be transmitted to third parties when required by law or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google indicates that they will not associate your IP address with any other data held by the company.

How can I configure or disable cookies?

To allow, learn more, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your computer you can do so by configuring the browser options installed on your computer. For example, you can find information on how to do it in the case you use as a browser:

ZENTYAL will periodically update the previous links so that the user can configure cookies at any time. However, we can not guarantee that at some point these links do not correspond to the latest version published by the developer of each browser. In case they do not correspond and are not updated, we ask users to let us know as soon as possible through any of the contact channels enabled for it.

Web browsers are the tools in charge of storing cookies and it is, from these sites, where the user must make their right to eliminate or deactivate them. ZENTYAL can not guarantee the correct or incorrect treatment of cookies by the aforementioned browsers, and it is you, in your capacity as user, who must configure the settings of your browser according to your preferences.