eBox Technologies, developer of the Linux Small Business Server eBox Platform, announced today a new version of the eBox Control Center. eBox Control Center, that is offered as a subscription service, enables customers to carry out centralized administration and monitoring of the subscribed eBox servers and is mainly aimed at IT service providers with a number of eBox deployments.
This version of eBox Control Center presents two major new features. First at all, users are now able to see, download and remove their automatic configuration backups directly from the user interface so it is not necessary for them to access each eBox server to see the configuration backups. Secondly, users can now receive all eBox Control Center alerts to their mailbox so that they can keep an eye on their eBox servers directly from their mail client. The latter option is configurable and enabled by default.
Number of other minor improvements have also taken place: search field is shown when no matching is done, packages update job is launched after upgrading a package from eBox Control Center in a group, mod_deflate for JS, HTML and CSS files is used and reports are not generated if eBox servers are offline.
If you are interested in the eBox Control Center subscription service, you can request a 15-day trial (including on-line support for eBox Control Center related issues) at no charge or directly purchase the necessary subscriptions at the eBox Online Store at: https://store.zentyal.com//