Happy Birthday, Zentyal!


Zentyal Team is glad to celebrate today the 5th anniversary of Zentyal, the Linux small business server! Zentyal was first launched in 2005, under the name of eBox Platform, and since then it has grown into a widely know and used, enterprise-level solution – Currently Zentyal gets about 30,000 monthly downloads, it has an active community of more than 4,000 members and it is estimated that there are about 50,000 active Zentyal server installations worldwide.

Since the very beginning, Zentyal has aimed at offering small and medium businesses easy, affordable and secure Linux-based network management. And during the past year, many important steps have been taken in order to accomplish this promise even better. In the area of business development, the launch of subscription based service offering via Zentyal Cloud, launch of the Zentyal Academy program and large number of new partnerships, among others, have marked important milestones. On the other hand, in the area of product development the release of Zentyal 2.0 – a mayor new release based on Ubuntu 10.04 and the first versions of Zentyal Desktop would be definite highlights.

It has been exciting year and we have been glad to see our efforts rewarded with fast growth in downloads, users, partners and customers – We believe the next year will be at least equally exciting and will take us closer to our goal of turning Zentyal into the server application of choice for small and medium businesses!