Zarafa-Zentyal Webinar: Easy mail server configuration with LDAP-based user management


Are you an IT support and service provider interested in offering easy-to-configure mail solutions to your small and medium business customers? Join this live webinar and learn how by combining Zarafa and Zentyal you can count on stress-free mail server configuration and easy, LDAP-based, user management.

The webinar will be held on the 18th of October, at 11 a.m. CEST, by Milo Oostergo, Product Manager at Zarafa and Jorge Salamero, Sales Engineer at Zentyal. During the session you will learn how Zentyal and Zarafa based solutions add value to your product portfolio, how to carry out Zarafa setup on Zentyal and how the pricing and purchase works. Moreover, you will have the chance to chat directly with Zarafa and Zentyal staff regarding any mail-related question.

In this session you will learn:

  • How Zarafa and Zentyal based solutions add value to your product portfolio
  • How to set up Zarafa on Zentyal (background, technical details and configuration demo)
  • How the pricing and purchase of Zarafa and Zentyal based solutions works
  • In addition, you can make any mail-related questions directly to Zarafa and Zentyal staff

This webinar is ideal to:

  • Any IT support and service provider that is interested in adding mail solutions to their product portfolio, or looking for alternatives to their current mail solutions.
  • All Zarafa and Zentyal Partners that currently are still not familiar with the mail solutions the Zarafa-Zentyal combination offers.

Register now!