The Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the second Zentyal 2.2 release candidate (Zentyal 2.2-rc2) is now available for download! This version includes all the bug fixes done since the release of the rc1, the “Recover from a disaster” menu has been restored to the installer and as a surprise, it also includes experimental USB support for users without a CD drive!
The new installer can be downloaded from the Beta Downloads Page. Users who already have installed Zentyal 2.2-rc1, can also upgrade their packages to the latest available versions via Zentyal server UI. Please note that this version is not intended for production environments.
The release of the next stable Zentyal version (Zentyal 2.2) is estimated for the 3rd week of September. As the release date is approaching fast, your help in finding bugs now is crucial to make this a great release, so remember to report any bugs you come up with via Zentyal UI, bug tracker or Forum! To liven up the bug hunt, we will reward the most active bug-reporters as well as the persons who report the trickiest bugs with Zentyal t-shirts (check out the FAQ)!
Happy testing!