eBox 0.9.2 (torito bravo) ready to download


Hi everybody, Here we are again with a new release 0.9.2. This latest version, brought to you by your favourite development team, is mainly a bugfix release. No long paragraphs to show off cool stuff this time, just wait for 0.10. We have added two features which we thought were worth releasing as soon as possible: Backups are accessible via …

New eBox module from the community


Matt Willsher has developed a subversion module for eBox Platform, integrating this version control system into your favorite open source project It is not the first module developed by eBox community, but it is really interesting, well-coded and worth of blogging. By the way, it will be integrated in next official versions of eBox. I took the liberty of sending …

eBox 0.9.1 ready to roll


Hi again fellow eBox users! Your favourite development team is back with more cool stuff to announce. eBox 0.9.1 is just out of the oven, bringing new features in the networking side, such as improved traffic shaping and multigateway load balancing. In addition to this, we are glad to announce that the backup system is getting more mature, moving eBox …

eBox 0.9 is already out


Hi fellow eBox users! The eBox development team is proud to present the new eBox platform release, version 0.9. Let us highlight some of the features added in this release. From this version onwards, eBox is shipped with a long-awaited traffic shaping module, brought to you by Quique, one of our top-notch developers. This code is the first step towards …

ebox 0.8.99 ready to download


It is a pleasure to announce the immediate availability of eBox platform 0.8.99. This version is the first release candidate for milestone 0.9. This version is shipped with new modules. A Certification Authority module and an OpenVPN module. Now, you will be able to create VPNs to enable your road warriors to easily connect from remote places to your office …