eBox 1.0rc1 was presented publicly


On past Tuesday 14th October eBox 1.0rc1 was publicly presented in an event hosted at the Aragon Institute of Technology with the support of the Government of Aragon and the City Council of Zaragoza. This is the first preview of eBox 1.0, including all the functionality that was planned in the beginning of the development of eBox four years ago. …

eBox platform 1.0rc1 CD installer


Hi everybody, The eBox development team proudly announces that you can already download our first release candidate (0.12.99) for eBox platform 1.0. This version will give you an accurate preview of the upcoming 1.0. Please note that it is a release candidate ready for testing. You can download the eBox installer CD from here. The packages will be available in …

Presenting eBox 1.0


After four years of intense work, continuous development and community promotion, eBox is finally a reality. Next 14th October we will release eBox 1.0, our first complete and stable version. There is still a lot of new features and modules to implement but we have reached the level of functionality we planned in the start. To celebrate this moment we …

New traffic shaping with layer 7 filter support


Hi guys, We have just added a new feature to our traffic shaping module: layer 7 filter. We are using l7 filter to mark network packets based on its content. This is pretty useful for those of you who are in the need of throttling traffic that can use different ports. Shaping p2p traffic is much easier with this new …

eBox 0.12 is ready to rock


Hi fellow eBox users! Your favourite development team proudly presents the availability of eBox platform 0.12. This release brings a lot of bug fixes to increase the stability and reliability that we all expect from such a product. However, you will find more than bug fixes in this release. We have made some changes to the UI of several modules: …

eBox spinning-off from Warp


eBox Platform was started in 2004 by Warp Networks as an R&D project to develop an open source platform to ease the administration of corporate networks. Four years later and after a lot of effort and funds invested in its development, eBox has reached an interesting position with a solid commercial use and an increasing demand of professional services around …

New eBox Samba module


Hi fellow eBox users, We have uploaded a new version of the eBox Samba module that we hope you find useful for your deployments. We have added new features to the module. Now you can add any share you want, and not only one share per-group as we had before. These shares can be directories which are automatically created for …

eBox 0.11.101 is out


The eBox development team proudly presents the lastest eBox platform release. 0.11.101 is a maintenance release that ships a bunch of bugfixes to polish and increase the stability of your favourite administration tool. We have also ported ebox-webserver to Ubuntu, a pretty simple module to manage an Apache server. With this module your users might have a public_html directory under …

eBox 0.11.100 for Ubuntu Hardy is out


Hi fellow eBox users, We are glad to announce the release of eBox 0.11.100 for Ubuntu. This release provides the same functionality and modules as the Debian Sarge version. It is based on Ubuntu 8.04 which already ships some eBox 0.11.99 modules. 0.11.100 polishes some rough edges found in 0.11.99 and adds the following modules: traffic shaping mail mail filter …

eBox 0.11.99 is out!


Hi fellow eBox users! Your favourite development team proudly presents eBox 0.11.99. As usual, this is our beta release before 0.12. This version fixes a lot of issues and bugs and also ships new features. We would like to highlight the new network traffic monitor based on jnettop which helps you diagnose network problems showing your traffic on a graph. …