Zentyal 2.0 Virtual Machine images available for download!


The Zentyal Team is glad to announce the availability of the Virtual Machine images for Zentyal 2.0! These disk images – that are available for VirtualBox, VMware and KVM – offer a quick and easy way to test Zentyal without actually having to install it. This option is especially useful for those new and previous Zentyal users who simply want …

New Zentyal 2.0-3 installer available!


The development team of Zentyal, the Linux small business server previously know as eBox Platform, is glad to announce the availability of Zentyal 2.0-3 installer! This is a new compilation of all the latest Zentyal packages as well as the last system updates from Ubuntu. Please note that this installer comes with a new Zentyal Cloud-based feature: you can see …

KTC joins the Zentyal Partner Program to offer Ukrainian SMBs Linux server solutions


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, announced today a partnership agreement with KTC. KTC is an Ukrainian system integrator and software reseller with almost a decade of experience in providing IT solutions to both state-owned and private companies, as well as medical and educational organizations. As an Authorized Zentyal Partner, KTC will offer small …

“Zentyal for Network Administrators” book (in Spanish) published


The Zentyal Development Team is proud to announce that the “Zentyal for Network Administrators” book was recently published and it is now available for purchase. The book, that is currently available in Spanish, describes the most important technical features of Zentyal and helps the reader to learn to manage successfully small business IT infrastructures by means of theoretical introductions, practical …

Zentyal presentation in Madrid, Spain (December 14th)


The presentation entitled “Zentyal – Linux Small Business Server” will take place on December 14th, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., in the premises of Madrid on Rails (C/Lago Titicaca 10, Vicálvaro, 28032 Madrid). During the presentation, the attendees are given a brief introduction to Zentyal, its business model and success stories. Moreover, they are shown some of the Zentyal server …

Happy Birthday, Zentyal!


Zentyal Team is glad to celebrate today the 5th anniversary of Zentyal, the Linux small business server! Zentyal was first launched in 2005, under the name of eBox Platform, and since then it has grown into a widely know and used, enterprise-level solution – Currently Zentyal gets about 30,000 monthly downloads, it has an active community of more than 4,000 …

Zentyal signs an agreement with PUE to offer certified training in all of Spain


Zentyal announced today a partnership agreement with Proyecto Universidad Empresa (PUE) to extend its certified training offer to all of Spain. PUE, a leader in its sector, specializes in the management of training programs promoted by the most important technology manufacturers. Certified Zentyal training enables system administrators to manage SMB computer networks based on Linux technology.Zentyal anunció hoy un acuerdo de partenariado con Proyecto Universidad Empresa (PUE) para extender su oferta de formación certificada a toda España. PUE, empresa líder en su sector, está especializada en la gestión de programas educativos impulsados por los principales fabricantes del sector tecnológico. La formación certificada en Zentyal capacita a los administradores de sistemas para gestionar redes informáticas de las pymes basándose en tecnologías Linux.

Certified on-line training in Zentyal is now available!


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, announced today that certified on-line training courses in Zentyal are now open for registration. Both basic and intermediate courses, available in English and in Spanish, aim at providing system administrators and IT professionals the knowledge and tools to manage network infrastructures in an easy and affordable way.

Official documentation for Zentyal 2.0 now available


The Zentyal Development Team is happy to announce the availability of the official documentation for Zentyal 2.0, the Linux small business server. As usual, the updated documentation is available at http://doc.zentyal.org/, both in English and Spanish. Please note that we are still working on updating the screenshots in the English version, but this should be done by the end of …