Zentyal’s international partner network to resell Ubuntu Advantage for desktop and servers


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name and Canonical, the organisation behind Ubuntu, announced today a partnership agreement to extend the availability of Ubuntu Advantage to SMBs through Zentyal’s partner network.Zentyal, desarrollador del servidor Linux para pymes del mismo nombre, y Canonical, la organización detrás de Ubuntu, anunciaron hoy la firma de un acuerdo de partenariado para extender la disponibilidad de Ubuntu Advantage a pymes a través de la red de partners de Zentyal.

Zentyal 2.2 Upgrade Tool Available!


After somewhat longer beta period than initially expected, Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the upgrade tool to migrate from Zentyal 2.0 to Zentyal 2.2 is now ready! Special thanks go to all those Zentyal users who helped in the testing process and gave useful feedback to improve the tool! Information on how to use the tool, known …

Zentyal Migration Tool for Windows Server available!


Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the first version of Zentyal Migration Tool for Windows Server is now available. This tool aims at making the migration process from existing Windows server environments to Zentyal-based Linux environments significantly easier. At the moment the Zentyal Migration Tool includes Active Directory synchronization and exportation of basic DHCP and DNS settings from …

Zentyal Summit 2011 program published!


Zentyal, developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, announced today the program for upcoming Zentyal Summit 2011, that will take place on the 11th and 12th of November in Zaragoza, Spain. Zentyal Summit offers a meeting place to share experiences, meet and discuss with other Zentyal users and developers, discuss the roadmap of the next release and attend training …

Zentyal Summit 2011 program published!


Zentyal, developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, announced today the program for upcoming Zentyal Summit 2011, that will take place on the 11th and 12th of November in Zaragoza, Spain. Zentyal Summit offers a meeting place to share experiences, meet and discuss with other Zentyal users and developers, discuss the roadmap of the next release and attend training …

Zentyal Summit 2011 program published


Zentyal Summit 2011 will be held on the 11 th and 12th of November in Zaragoza, Spain. The event offers a meeting place for the Zentyal Linux Small Business Server community. Roberto Galoppini, Senior Director of Business Development at SourceForge, will open the Summit with his keynote “From Projects to Products”.Zentyal Summit 2011 tendrá lugar los días 11 y 12 de noviembre en Zaragoza, España. El evento ofrece un punto de encuentro para la comunidad Zentyal, el servidor Linux para pymes. Roberto Galoppini, Director Senior de Desarrollo de Negocio en SourceForge, inaugurará el evento con su ponencia “De Proyectos a Productos”.

Free Zentyal Course in Pamplona (Spain), Nov. 7-24, 2011


Zentyal is glad to announce that AIN (Navarre Industry Association) offers a free Zentyal course for unemployed or employees of companies located in Navarra. This 45-hour on-site course will take place from the 7th until the 24th of November in Pamplona, Navarra (Spain). It will be held from Monday to Thursday evenings and it is given in Spanish by certified …

Updates in Zentyal subscription, support and training services


Zentyal, developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, announced today a series of updates and improvements in its subscription, support and training services. These changes are closely related to the new, Zentyal server version released last week and aim at responding better to the customer needs and demands.

Russian IT provider Personal Admins joins the Zentyal Partner Network


Zentyal, developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, announced today a partnership agreement with Personal Admins LLC, Russian IT service and solution located in Moscow. Personal Admins LLC’s core business areas include IT infrastructure design, implementation, support and maintenance, IT consultancy services and VoIP telephony solutions.