Zentyal to give talk at the FOSDEM (5-6 February, Brussels, Belgium)


Jorge Salamero, Zentyal systems analyst and developer, will give a talk at the Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting (FOSDEM) that will be held in Brussels (Belgium) on the 5th and 6th of February 2011. FOSDEM is one of the largest open source software developers’ events organized in Europe and it aims at offering a meeting place for …

Zentyal to give talk at the FOSDEM (5-6 February, Brussels, Belgium)


Jorge Salamero, Zentyal systems analyst and developer, will give a talk at the Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting (FOSDEM) that will be held in Brussels (Belgium) on the 5th and 6th of February 2011. FOSDEM is one of the largest open source software developers’ events organized in Europe and it aims at offering a meeting place for …

Cloud-based Disaster Recovery service available for Zentyal, the Linux Small Business Server


Zentyal, developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, announced today the availability of a Disaster Recovery service for Zentyal servers. This new, cloud-based service, confirms Zentyal’s commitment to provide small and medium businesses (SMBs) easy and affordable network management services and to reduce their network infrastructure costs by more than 50%.

Cloud-based Disaster Recovery service available for Zentyal, the Linux Small Business Server


Zentyal announced today the immediate availability of Disaster Recovery service for Zentyal Linux small business servers. The new, cloud-based service confirms Zentyal’s commitment to provide SMBs easy and affordable network management services. Zentyal server users with free community server subscription are offered remote configuration backup.
Zentyal anunció hoy la disponibilidad inmediato del servicio de Recuperación de Desastres para los servidores Zentyal. Este nuevo servicio, basado en la nube, reafirma el compromiso de Zentyal de ofrecer a las pymes servicios de gestión de redes fáciles y asequibles. Los usuarios de servidor Zentyal con una suscripción gratuita al servidor tienen acceso a backup remoto de configuración.