Zentyal Server 5.0.1 now available


Zentyal announces Zentyal Server 5.0.1, the first revision of the Zentyal Server 5.0 version October 16th, 2017, Zaragoza – Zentyal, developer of Zentyal Linux Small Business Server, today announced the first revision of the Commercial Zentyal Server Edition (v. 5.0). Zentyal offers an easy-to-use and affordable Linux server solution that provides native compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory®. This release is …

New Zentyal 5.0.1 installer available

adminNews 5 Comments

Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce the publication of a new Zentyal Server installer. The Zentyal Server 5.0.1 installer is the first revision of Zentyal Server 5.0 version and it comes with all the fixes and improvements carried out to the date, including: Based on the Ubuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS (released in August 2017) Hybrid ISO with support for …

Official Zentyal on-line training course now available


Zentyal launches a 100% hands-on course that covers all the Zentyal Server functionality with over 20 practical exercises May 11th, 2017, Zaragoza – Zentyal today announced the availability of official on-line training in Zentyal Linux Small Business Server. The on-line training course “Zentyal for Network Administrators” covers all the Zentyal Server functionality and it is available in both English and …

Official Zentyal book now available


The official guide to Zentyal Server management (v. 5.0) is now published April 25th, 2017, Zaragoza – Zentyal today announced the availability of the “Zentyal for Network Administrators”-book for the latest Zentyal Linux Small Server version (5.0). This official guide to Zentyal Server management is published in English and Spanish and it can be purchased as an eBook and paperback …

Official documentation and book for Zentyal 5.0 now available

adminNews 1 Comment

Zentyal today announced the availability of the official documentation and book for Zentyal 5.0. Both are available in English and Spanish. The official documentation for this latest version of the Zentyal Linux Small Business Server is available at https://wiki.zentyal.org/ The official “Zentyal for Network Administrators”-book is available for purchase as an eBook and paperback through Lulu: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/zentyal . The book …

Zentyal announces Zentyal Server 5.0


Zentyal announces Zentyal Server 5.0, a major new Linux Small Business Server release January 26th, 2017, Zaragoza – Zentyal, developer of Zentyal Linux Small Business Server, today announced a major new version of the Commercial Zentyal Server Edition. Zentyal Server 5.0 aims at offering an easy-to-use Linux server with native compatibility with Microsoft Active Directory®. Amid the generalized push for …