Domain Controller: Definition, Benefits & Future Trends

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For decades, Microsoft’s Active Directory has dominated the domain controller landscape. But the tide is turning. Linux domain controllers are emerging as a viable alternative, particularly for businesses seeking a robust, open-source solution. This blog post explores the rise of Linux domain controllers, highlighting their advantages and challenges.  What is a Domain Controller? A domain controller (DC) acts as the central authority …

Integrating Linux into Your Active Directory Environment [A detailed guide]

adminActive Directory, How-tos, Linux OS, Linux Server Leave a Comment

Many businesses leverage a mixed IT environment, featuring both Windows and Linux systems. This can be advantageous, with Windows offering a familiar desktop experience and Linux providing robust server solutions. But managing user accounts and authentication across these two platforms can become a hassle. This is where Linux Active Directory integration comes in. It allows your Linux machines to seamlessly connect to your existing …

Migrating from Windows Server to Linux: Best Practices and Considerations

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Are you considering migrating from Windows Server to Linux but unsure where to start? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the best practices and considerations for making a smooth transition. From understanding the differences between Linux and Windows to choosing the best Linux server option and exploring Zentyal as the ultimate Active Directory Linux alternative, we’ve got you covered. Let’s …

3 Herramientas de Gestión Contraseñas Que Ayudan a Mejorar la Seguridad de Sistemas

adminUncategorized Leave a Comment

¿Qué se considera una buena contraseña? La robustez de una buena contraseña frente a un ataque de fuerza bruta depende tanto de su longitud como de la cardinalidad del conjunto de símbolos entre los que escogemos. Por eso conviene construir contraseñas de al menos 8 caracteres, entre los que se encuentren mayúsculas, minúsculas, números y caracteres especiales. Por supuesto, también …

Linux domain controller

Setting Up a Linux Domain Controller: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you ready to harness the power of Linux as a domain controller for your network? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up a domain controller Linux step-by-step. From choosing the best Linux server distro to downloading the necessary software and configuring your domain controller, we’ve got you covered. Why Choose Linux for Your …

Alternative to windows server

Why Linux is the Ultimate Alternative to Windows Server

adminLinux Server, News Leave a Comment

If you’re considering server options for your business, you’ve likely come across Windows Server as a prominent choice. However, Linux stands out as the ultimate alternative, offering a plethora of advantages that make it a compelling option for server deployment. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll delve into why Linux is the best server solution and why it serves as the …

Zentyal Server 8.0 Development Now Available


Zentyal Development Team today announced the availability of Zentyal Server Development Edition 8.0. This is a new major community release of the Zentyal Linux Server, based on Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS. This version comes with the most recent versions of all the integrated software, including Samba 4.15.13, Netplan instead of the old-fashioned network/interfaces, new Docker and Webserver modules, and finally …

Zentyal 8.0 Changelog

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Antivirus * Remove ClamAV dependencies version * Update stubs * Remove unused freshclamEBoxDir method * Workaround for Systemd warning * Create enable-module script * Add freshclam command when the module is enable to reduce issues * Disable apparmor temporarily CA * Update openssl.cnf file * Add initial-setup script * Avoid to use Openssl shell * Fix permission errors * Update …

Linux operating system

What is Linux Operating System? (Everything about Linux OS)

adminLinux OS, News Leave a Comment

If you’ve ever heard about Linux but weren’t quite sure what it is, you’re in the right place. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about the Linux operating system (OS), from its definition to its benefits, disadvantages, why you should choose Linux, how to contribute to its development, and more. Let’s dive in! What is …