80 Zentyal Linux servers are deployed in Aragon (Spain) within the School 2.0 Program


(Zaragoza, Spain) The Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon (EducAragon), Spain, has chosen a solution based on Zentyal Linux server to solve one of the main challenges of the School 2.0 Program: renewal of the network infrastructure of schools. The solution guarantees that schools can provide safe and proper use of the assigned computer equipment.

On the one hand, the chosen solution has improved the connectivity of the schools, avoiding that the classrooms are left without Internet access and on the other hand, it has ensured maximum network security and proper access control to Internet content. Currently, deployments have been carried out in 80 schools with the support of EducaAragon and the Spanish company that develops Zentyal server.

The mains reasons to choose Zentyal server as the technological solution were that Zentyal server was open source software that covered all the functionality required by schools and professional support was available, provided by the manufacturer, making the project viable. Furthermore, the solution allows to provide centralized and high quality support to the schools, with high level of flexibility to adapt the solution to the specific needs of each school.

Depending on the specific needs of each school, Zentyal server can be deployed to be used for auto-configuration of the equipment, firewall, content filtering, Internet access optimization via http proxy, traffic shaping and hosting of shared resources and School 2.0 applications. In addition, the server allows balancing of several ADSL lines, improving the browsing experience.

“Zentyal server has always had favorable reception as Unified Threat Manager (UTM) in schools, but the opportunity given by EducAragon within the School 2.0 Program has allowed us to refine our technology and establish ourselves as the ideal solution for the education sector” said Ignacio Correas, CEO of Zentyal.

Zentyal participates together with ASOLIF (Federate Open Source Associations) in the School 2.0 Congress (Congreso Escuela 2.0), held from the 13th to the 15th of April in Zaragoza (Spain). Zentyal and ASOLIF will participate in the event with a joint stand, where Zentyal will provide information on projects it has recently undertaken in the education sector, including the project carried out with the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon.

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