Zentyal 3.0 Beta | First version of the new UPS module released!


Zentyal Development team is glad to announce that the very first version of the UPS module is now available for testing in the Zentyal 3.0 beta version! This brand new module, that will be included in the next stable Zentyal server release (Zentyal 3.0), will help to protect Zentyal server when unexpected power disruptions occur by properly shutting down the …

Webinar: Migrate your customers’ IT infrastructure to Linux with Zentyal and Canonical


Zentyal and Canonical recently announced a worldwide, strategic agreement to provide an easy-to-use Linux alternative to proprietary IT infrastructure for SMBs. Authorised Zentyal Partners may now provide complete Linux solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises, fully backed by Canonical. Two webinars, aimed at IT providers, are organized to explain what benefits this partnership can bring to them. The webinar in …

Zentyal 3.0 Beta | New Zentyal 2.3-1 installer available (featuring Kerberos)!


The Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce another milestone in the development of the next stable Zentyal release (Zentyal 3.0): a new Zentyal 2.3 installer is now available for testing! This installer features the first alpha version of Kerberos, Zarafa integration and a brand new core that should significantly improve the speed and responsiveness of the UI. The new …

Zentyal at Zarafa SummerCamp (21-22 June, Kerkrade, The Netherlands)


Zentyal will participate in the Zarafa SummerCamp 2012 that will be held on the 21st and 22nd of June in Kerkrade, the Netherlands, with the aim of bringing together everyone involved in the Zarafa ecosystem. The event is organized by Zarafa, developer of the Zarafa open source groupware and collaboration platform, that Zentyal server integrates to offer an email and …

Zentyal at the Ubuntu Developer Summit (May 7-11, Oakland, USA)


Jorge Salamero, Zentyal systems analyst and developer, will be leading some working sessions at the Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) that is currently being held in Oakland (USA), from the 7th of May until the 11th of May. As an Ubuntu-based server distribution, aimed at small and medium businesses that necessary don’t have high technical knowledge on Linux, Zentyal offers a …

Zentyal Community Council launches – Join the conversation!


Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the Zentyal Community Council has now been officially launched and all interested Zentyal Community members are welcome to join the conversation and get more involved with the Zentyal server project! What is Zentyal Community Council? The social structures and community process of Zentyal server project are supervised by the Zentyal Community Council. …

Zentyal 3.0 Beta | First version of the Thin Clients module available!


Zentyal Team is glad to announce that the first version of the zentyal-ltsp module is now available for testing! This new module provides Thin and Fat Client functionality and it is integrated with the DHCP module. Current features allow the users to: Build and update Thin and Fat client images Install local applications Limit one session per user Create profiles …

First Zentyal 2.3 installer available (featuring Samba4)!


Zentyal Team is glad to announce the availability of the first Zentyal 2.3 installer, featuring Samba4. Zentyal 2.3 is a development version based on Ubuntu Server 12.04 beta and it will become Zentyal 3.0 (next stable release) in September 2012. The new installer for 32- and 64-bit architectures can be downloaded from the Beta Downloads page. If you already have …