Join the Zentyal Bug Hunters Squad!


Are you interested in contributing to the Zentyal project? Join the Bug Hunters Squad! This newly created team aims at guaranteeing better and faster debugging process by filtering and classifying bugs, ensuring that bug reports are accurate and finding duplicate bug reports, among other tasks. It is important to note that joining in the Bug Hunters Squad doesn’t mean that …

Zentyal Small Business and Zentyal Enterprise Server Editions now available!


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, announced today the availability of two fully supported commercial server editions. The Zentyal Small Business Edition is aimed at small businesses that want to use Zentyal as a stand-alone server and the Zentyal Enterprise Edition is aimed at organizations that deploy multiple Zentyal servers. Both editions include support, …

First alpha packages for Zentyal 3.0 available – Join the testing effort!


Zentyal Team is glad to announce that the first Zentyal 3.0 alpha packages are now available for testing. As Zentyal 3.0 will offer a new base system (Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS), Zentyal Community members’ help in testing is now specially needed to guarantee smooth upgrade. To join the testing effort, Ubuntu Server 12.04 installation is necessary. If you already have …

Zentyal courses in Aragón and Galicia


We are glad to announce that five free Zentyal courses will be held in Aragon and Galicia from February to May 2012. The courses will be conducted by Zentyal staff in Spanish. Below the course descriptions and registration details. —– COURSE (user level): Daily management of a Linux Server for SMBs (onsite, Aragón) Date: February 2012, in the evenings. Duration: …

Zentyal signs a collaboration agreement with the Government of Aragon to promote ICT training


Yesterday Zentyal, together with other leading software vendors like Google, IBM or RedHat, signed a collaboration agreement with the Government of Aragon to increase collaboration, official training and certification of professionals in the field of new technologies. “This agreements affirms our commitment to training highly skilled professionals capable of managing the ICT infrastructures of SMBs, which require ever more powerful …

Zentyal development tutorial and tools published, project moves to GIT


Due to the growing interest in Zentyal development shown by many Zentyal users, an updated version of the Zentyal module development tutorial has now been published in the community wiki. The tutorial offers an easy-to-follow, practical guide for developing new Zentyal modules and extending the existing features. For those interested in Zentyal development, it is good to know that making …

Zentyal 2.2 Virtual Machine images now available!


Zentyal Team is glad to announce that Zentyal 2.2 Virtual Machine images are now available for download! These VM images – that are available for VirtualBox, VMware and KVM (qcow2 format) – offer a quick and easy way to test Zentyal without actually having to install it. This is especially useful for those users who simply want to have a …

Tentative Zentyal 3.0 roadmap published


Zentyal Development Teams is glad to announce that the tentative Zentyal 3.0 roadmap has now been published. The roadmap has been based both on community proposals and ideas, external technical requirements (new Ubuntu Server LTS version) and specific needs the Development Team sees necessary to address to keep improving the project. As already mentioned during the Zentyal Summit, the proposed …

Zentyal and Linux Professional Institute sign an agreement to extend Zentyal to Spanish training centers


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server, and the international Linux Professional Institute (LPI) announced today that they have reached an agreement that encourages Spanish training centers affiliated to the LPI program to include Zentyal to their training offer. This agreement was made public today, in the second edition of the Libre Software World Conference, held in Zaragoza (Spain) …

Zentyal 2.2 Upgrade Tool Available!


After somewhat longer beta period than initially expected, Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the upgrade tool to migrate from Zentyal 2.0 to Zentyal 2.2 is now ready! Special thanks go to all those Zentyal users who helped in the testing process and gave useful feedback to improve the tool! Information on how to use the tool, known …