Webinar: Goodbye SBS, Hallo Linux Alternatives (Jan. 10)


With the discontinuation of the popular Small Business Server many local IT resellers are looking for alternatives that can help them continue providing solutions for their small and medium customers. Join this live webinar to learn how Zentyal, an Ubuntu-based server for small and medium businesses, comes as the natural choice. Easy-to-use, fully functional, MSP-friendly and cost effective, it is a complete replacement to Small Business Server. It is fully supported by Canonical, the company behind the development of Ubuntu, and it integrates Zarafa, a drop-in replacement of Exchange server.

The webinar will be held on the 10th of January at 4 p.m. CET, by Anthony Beckley, Channel Marketing Manager at Canonical, Ignacio Correas, CEO of Zentyal and Stijn Meysen, Business Development Manager at Zarafa. During the session you will learn how Zentyal and Zarafa can fully replace SBS and Exchange, how easily Zentyal server can be configured and what are the benefits for the customers and IT resellers adapting these solutions. Moreover, you will have the chance to chat directly with Canonical, Zentyal and Zarafa Teams. A session in Spanish will be held two hours later.

In this session you will learn:

  • How Zentyal and Zarafa can fully replace SBS and Exchange
  • How to easily set up a Zentyal server (configuration demo)
  • How the pricing and purchase of Zentyal and Zarafa based solutions works
  • What benefits the adaption of these solutions offers for end customers and IT resellers
  • In addition, you have the chance to make your questions directly to Canonical, Zentyal and Zarafa staff

This webinar is ideal to:

  • Microsoft Resellers that are looking for alternatives to SBS that can help them continue providing solutions for their small and medium customers.
  • Any local IT service provider or MSP that currently provides SMBs a full set of IT infrastructure services interested in growing their business.

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