Vídeo aula onde Jefferson Costa ensina a realizar a configuração básica de rede com neste ambiente Linux (Zentyal), além de configurar um servidor DHCP.
Review: Zentyal Server za mala i srednj a preduzeća (SMB server)
Linuks rešenja na (prosto rečeno) velikim serverima i serverskim sistemima, nisu novost, već jedno racionalno i moćno rešenje ali šta se dešava kada želimo da na lak i ugodan način obezbedimo server za malu kompaniju, pogotovo ako nemamo dovoljno dobrih i stručnih radnika? Rešenje je u instalaciji neke od verzija servera za mala i srednja preduzeća (SMB serveri). Pročitajte ovaj …
How To: Zentyal – Un Small Business Server facile à installer et à configurer
Un bref tutoriel sur comment d’installer Zentyal Server 3.0. Merci Zerotyler!
Review: Linux-Server für den Mittelstand
Nachdem Microsoft den Small Business Server 2011 (SBS) zugunsten von Windows Server 2012 eingestellt hat, suchen viele kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen nach Alternativen. Computerwoche veröffentlicht eine kurze Rezension über Zentyal, ein Linux-Komplettpakete, die sich speziell für KMUs ohne tiefe Open-Source-Kenntnisse eignen. Danke schön Computerwoche!
How To: Cómo instalar Zentyal 3.0 paso a paso
En este tutorial paso a paso Drivemeca muestra cómo instalar Zenyal 3.0, la ultima version del servidor Zentyal. Este ejemplo lo muestra virtualizado, pero es igual la instalación en un servidor fisico. ¡Gracias Drivemeca!
How To: Centralizing user/group management for Mac OSX with Zentyal
Shabangs explains in this tutorial how to use Zentyal’s directory services for storing and managing users/groups in a centralized database so users can log in to both Windows and Mac machines with the same password. Mac OSX 10.8 “Mountain Lion” is used in this example. Thank you Shabangs!
How To: Zentyal 3.0 – Initial Configuration
In this video tutorial by The Jonas Technology Site you will see how to make an initial Zentyal 3.0 installation including configuring SSL, Domain DNS, and Zentyal core packages.
How To: Zentyal 3.0 – Additional Domain Controller
In this video tutorial by The Jonas Technology Site you will see how to set up and configure an additional domain controller using Zentyal 3.0.
How To: Zentyal 3.0 – DNS and DHCP
In this video tutorial by The Jonas Technology Site you will see how to configure DNS and DHCP on Zentyal 3.0.
How To: Zentyal 3.0 – Setting Up Thin Clients
In this video tutorial by The Jonas Technology Site you will see how to configure and build thin clients using network boot on Zentyal 3.0.