Certified on-line training in Zentyal is now available!


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, announced today that certified on-line training courses in Zentyal are now open for registration. Both basic and intermediate courses, available in English and in Spanish, aim at providing system administrators and IT professionals the knowledge and tools to manage network infrastructures in an easy and affordable way.

“The on-line training we have now offered for over a year has been extremely well received. Due to the increasing demand, we’ve expanded our offering and now also students with no previous experience have the option to learn on-line network management with Zentyal” said Ignacio Correas, Zentyal CEO. “Moreover, we have adapted our training offer to correspond with the official European vocational training curriculum and will continue to improve and expand our training offering.”

The basic course “Network Essentials with Zentyal” is aimed at students with no previous experience in computer network management. The course takes approximately 25-hours to complete and it enables the students to understand the basics of computer networks and to manage a domestic network, including installation of a basic firewall, configuration of an infrastructure server, network file sharing, etc. with Zentyal.

The intermediate course “Zentyal for Network Administrators” is aimed at IT professionals, particularly at Windows system administrators, with basic knowledge on computer network management. This 40-hour course provides the students with hands-on experience, practical exercises and real-life simulations allowing them to understand the concepts behind computer network management and efficiently administer computer networks in small and medium businesses.