Certified Zentyal Training at the CTA (Zaragoza, Spain)


Zentyal is glad to announce that the Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas (CTA) will deliver a Zentyal certified course in Zaragoza, Spain, in June 2013. The course, entitled Administración de redes Linux con Zentyal, is aimed at employees, unemployed and independent professionals with network management skills, interested in Linux based network management.

The course is free of charge and will be held, in Spanish, by certified Zentyal staff, from the 3rd to the 20th of June. With a total duration of 48 hours in the afternoons -from 5pm to 9pm-, the course also includes a certification exam. All the interested parties can already apply on-line.

At the completion of this course, students will be able to understand the concepts behind computer network management and to manage perfectly small and medium sized businesses’ computer networks with Zentyal. The detailed course program is available at CTA web page (PDF file). Course objectives include:

  • Understand the Zentyal server architecture.
  • Deploy and manage all shared resources and communications services in SMB environment.
  • Learn best practices for effective and safe network maintenance of a SMB server.
  • Ease the migration of Windows servers to Linux.
  • Prepare for the Zentyal Certified Associate (ZeCA) certification exam.

The maximum number of students accepted for each course is 15 and the students are selected based on their curriculum vitae and examination result. The access exam will be held the 23th of May.