Cloud-based Disaster Recovery service available for Zentyal, the Linux Small Business Server


Zentyal, developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, announced today the availability of a Disaster Recovery service for Zentyal servers. This new, cloud-based service, confirms Zentyal’s commitment to provide small and medium businesses (SMBs) easy and affordable network management services and to reduce their network infrastructure costs by more than 50%.

“It is a well known fact that a major loss of business data can have devastating effects on the continuity of a company. The Disaster Recovery service we offer allows to recover easily and quickly the data stored in a Zentyal server, at a price that is within the price range of any SMB” said Enrique Hernández, Zentyal Cloud Product Manager. “Moreover, we count with, one of the most trusted offsite backup providers, as our technology provider to guarantee our customers the highest levels of quality and performance”.

The Zentyal Disaster Recovery service allows users to store critical data in a remote location by using a simple backup process and to restore this data and system configuration quickly in case of a disaster. The service is configurable, but it comes with default settings that are configured for one initial full backup and one daily incremental backup for up to 10GB of data. The configurable encryption protocols guarantee the confidentiality of both the transfer and the storage of the data.

Both the Disaster Recovery service and the complementary Extra Storage Space package (10GB) are immediately available for Zentyal server users with commercial Zentyal server subscriptions. Those interested in testing the cloud-based Zentyal services can obtain free community server subscription that, among other features, includes remote configuration backup.

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