eBox 0.9 is already out


Hi fellow eBox users!

The eBox development team is proud to present the new eBox
platform release, version 0.9.

Let us highlight some of the features added in this release.

From this version onwards, eBox is shipped with a long-awaited traffic
shaping module, brought to you by Quique, one of our top-notch developers.
This code is the first step towards a fully functional traffic shaping
module. In this version you can shape traffic coming out from eBox to the
Internet, but stay tuned because we will release an improved version to
manage incoming and outgoing traffic very soon.

Another feature that will make our users’ life easier is related to our
openVPN module. Now when you create a VPN for your road warriors, you
will be able to download a ready-to-use file containing the openVPN
configuration and certificates.

This version contains two security fixes. The first one is an enhancement to the
session identifier creation for the web interface and the second one is the
creation of a certificate for Apache when eBox is installed, instead of using a
predefined one.

We would like to thank our fast growing community of translators.
In this version the Polish guys have done a great job, and eBox is
totally translated into Polish. The same goes to German, and also the Italian
translation which is already available for a few modules.

Thanks to all the translators, you guys are doing an awesome job!!!

How to upgrade?

Please pay attention to the upgrading process if you already have a
previous version installed.

Go to software -> system updates. Select libebox and click on the button
located at bottom of the page. By upgrading libebox you will force the rest
of the modules and ebox to be upgraded too. After a few minutes your eBox
will be updated. Now you will be able to install the traffic shaping module
and ebox-software from software -> eBox components. Do not do this before
upgrading libebox!!

Changelog eBox platform 0.9 [Machete]


  • Generic multitable with AJAX to handle 3D tables (used in
    trafficshaping module)
  • More mason components and better support for testing mason
  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added Dutch translation
  • Added German translation
  • Added Portuguese translation
  • Added Polish translation
  • Enhance security in session identifier creation
  • Create a certificate for apache when installing


  • Bug in recognition of old CD-R writting devices fixed
  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added Dutch translation
  • Added German translation
  • Added Portuguese translation
  • Added Polish translation


  • Initial release


  • Added German translation
  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added Dutch translation
  • Added Polish translation
  • Fixed CRL permission issue related to ebox-openvpn module
  • Fixed bug related to back up configuration and create a bug
    report when the certification authority has not created yet
  • Fixed random error issuing certificates
  • Fixed names to accept all input valid parameters except for ‘/’
  • Make Organization Name visible at the GUI


  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added German translation
  • Added Polish translation
  • dhcp-hooks script will be installed by network module


  • Client bundle generator for Windows and Linux
  • Added Polish translation


  • Added Polish translation


  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added German translation
  • Added Polish translation


  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added German translation
  • Added Polish translation
  • Removed dependency: dhcp-hooks don’t require firewall module
    anymore to operate correctly


  • Added German translation
  • Added Polish translation


  • Added German translation
  • Added Polish translation


  • Added German translation
  • Added Dutch translation
  • Added Polish translation


  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added German translation
  • Added Polish translation


  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added Dutch translation
  • Added Polish translation


  • Added Aragonese translation
  • Added Dutch translation
  • Added German translation
  • Added Polish translation