eBox Control Center now includes a Knowledge base of Jobs


eBox Technologies, developer of the Linux Small Business Server eBox Platform, announced today a new version of the eBox Control Center. This new version ships a Knowledge base of Jobs: a series of the most common tasks that the system administrators need to run in bulk on their eBox servers, aiming at reducing the time and effort spent on managing and keeping up-to-date large deployments of eBox servers.

The users can now easily perform a number of actions, such as adding or removing Samba shares with ACL, domains and URLs in a HTTP proxy filter (to blacklist or whitelist them), firewall rules, users and much more. In practice this means that you can easily, for example, add all users or to block a specific domain on all your eBox servers. The job parameters can be set by using both CSV files and command line arguments. In addition, number of other minor improvements have also taken place.

eBox Control Center allows centralized real-time monitoring and administration of multiple eBox servers. It includes features such as remote, centralized and secure administration of groups of eBox servers, automatic remote configuration backup, network monitoring and customized reports. eBox Control Center is offered as a subscription service and it is mainly aimed at IT service providers with a number of eBox deployments.

If you are interested in the eBox Control Center subscription service, you can request a 15-day trial (including on-line support for eBox Control Center related issues) at no charge or directly purchase the necessary subscriptions at the eBox Online Store at: https://store.zentyal.com/

Update (22/04/2010)
As we will shortly introduce new subscription services that integrate the services currently included in the eBox Control Center subscription, we proceed to withdraw the Free trial and the eBox Control Center subscription service from the eBox Online Store. Those customers who have already purchased eBox Control Center subscriptions will be granted service until the end of their subscription and then they can move to the new subscription services. Thank you for your interest and feedback and stay tuned for the new subscription services!