eBox Platform changes name to Zentyal


During August we have published a series of posts (in the Planet eBox, Forum, Facebook and Twitter) to let you know that eBox Platform will change name and we’re glad to announce that the new name was made public today! eBox Platform will change its name to Zentyal and this change will become effective from the 1st of September, with the launch of the new 2.0 version of the server software. Simultaneously, the company eBox Technologies will also change it’s name to Zentyal.

As Ignacio Correas, CEO of eBox Technologies put it “The eBox Platform project has developed, grown and naturally, transformed from its initial goals during the last seven years of development. With this change, we want to ensure the product more accurately reflects what it does. “The current name eBox Platform suggests that the software comes integrated in a server hardware because of the word “Box”. However, the eBox Platform is purely server software that comes with cloud-based subscription services.”

The word Zentyal was chosen as the new name of eBox Platform because it closely resembles the main goal of the project: to make something as essential as network management easy and secure. Zentyal is fusion of two words, where “Zen” represents qualities such as intuition, insight and balance – the easiness of carrying out tasks via intuition – and “Essential” represents qualities such as basic, fundamental and necessary.

Zentyal logo


If you are interested in knowing more about why we’ve decided to make the change, how was the process of choosing the new name, how come we selected Zentyal or how we came up with the Zentyal logo, just check these posts in Planet eBox.