eBox Technologies launches eBox Academy, a vocational education program


Ignacio Correas, CEO of eBox Technologies and Ignacio Sancho, Head of Studies at the Integrated Studies Center Los Enlaces presented today the vocational education program “eBox Academy”. The presentation took place during the Closing Ceremony of the II Technical Conference on Vocational Education organized in the IES Los Enlaces, Zaragoza (Spain).

eBox Academy offers eBox Platform as a learning resource to the vocational education students of Information and Communication Technologies, allowing them to complete their training through an innovative and educational tool with great potential in the field of Linux based system administration.

eBox Platform is a Linux server aimed at small and medium businesses that enables IT professionals to manage all network services such as Internet access, security and network infrastructure, shared resources or communications through a single platform. The high integration of functionality and task automation can save up to 80% of the total costs of installing and managing a small business network.

“From our point of view, the inclusion of eBox Platform in the curriculum of Vocational Education brings substantial benefits for both future professionals and training centers” said Ignacio Sancho, Head of Studies at the Integrated Studies Center Los Enlaces.

Subsequently, Ignacio Sancho specified “By using eBox Platform the students are able to complete their training and rapidly reach high levels of expertise in the system and network administration and security-related issues. Simultaneously, eBox Academy also includes a number of subjects that respond to the requirements of the new vocational qualifications so it is an ideal complement to the current curriculum. We are looking forward to seeing eBox Academy applied in other training centers.”

The Autonomous Community of Aragon will pioneer the implementation of the eBox Academy program that will subsequently expand to other regions in Spain and other countries. This project is part of the collaboration agreement made between eBox Technologies and the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon, promoted by the Integrated Studies Center Los Enlaces in order to be applied in the other vocational training centers in the region.

“We are very pleased by the interest of regional institutions in launching eBox Academy here in Aragon, where have been developing eBox Platform since 2004” said Ignacio Correas, CEO of eBox Technologies, and continued “during the course 2010-2011 we will start delivering certified training through eBox Academy in vocational training centers located in Aragon and Catalonia and in the course 2011-2012 we expect to be present in several autonomous communities in Spain and some of those countries with most interest in eBox Platform, such as the United States, Germany and several Latin American regions.”

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