eBox testing environment ANSTE one of O’Reilly’s Beautiful Testing essays


We’re proud to announce that an essay regarding the Advanced Network Service Testing Environment (ANSTE) that was developed in order to carry out eBox Platform testing has been included in O’Reilly’s Beautiful Testing book that is to be published on the 30th of October. Beautiful Testing, edited by Tim Riley and Adam Goucher, offers 23 essays from 27 leading testers and developers that illustrate the qualities and techniques that make testing an art.

“eBox Platform is a complex tool that integrates a number of independent network services, released as a set of independent modules that need to be thoroughly tested to prevent regressions and to verify the correct functioning of each feature” said Isaac Clerencia, author of the “Testing Network Services in Multimachine Scenarios” essay and developer at eBox Technologies. “After a year or so since we started developing eBox Platform, getting a new release out had become a struggle due to the lengthy testing and quality assurance process. What is more, these tasks had quickly become the most dreaded ones among eBox developers and we figured out that something had to be done.”

“As we couldn’t find an existing testing tool that would suit our needs, we ended developing our own open source testing suite” said José Antonio Calvo, ANSTE developer and developer at eBox Technologies, and continued “the result was ANSTE that allows you to easily define complex network scenarios with multiple virtual machines, to run or to remotely schedule the tests according to pre-defined test suites that include command-based and Selenium-based tests and finally obtain a full report that is made available through a web interface.”

“We think ANSTE is a beautiful network service testing solution that can help in the testing process of any software that involves several machines connected to a network” said Isaac Clerencia. “ANSTE has already been successfully used to test MySQL clusters and we think it could also be useful for other projects, such as XMMP or Squid, for example. We are extremely glad for being included in the Beautiful Testing to give more visibility to the project for a good cause.”

Update (22/12/2009)
Please note that the essay “Testing Network Services in Multimachine Scenarios” is now available for download (under Creative Commons license, by-attribution, non-commercial, share alike).

More about Beautiful Testing
Beautiful Testing, edited by Tim Riley and Adam Goucher. Copyright 2010 O’Reilly Media, Inc., ISBN 978-0-596-15981-8. Available at: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596159818/ All royalties from this book will be donated to the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign.

More about ANSTE
ANSTE is a testing environment for advanced network services, mainly intended to automatize the integration tests of eBox Platform, furthermore it could be used to other similar purposes. ANSTE is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the project’s trac and source code are available at: http://anste.ebox-platform.com