Happy 7th Birthday, Zentyal!


Zentyal Team is pleased to celebrate today the 7th anniversary of Zentyal, the Linux small business server! Zentyal was first launched in 2005, under the name of eBox Platform, and since then it has grown into a full IT infrastructure management solution for small and medium businesses (SMBs) and organizations.

During the past year Zentyal has advanced more than ever in its goal of providing SMBs an easy-to-use and affordable IT infrastructure solution. The single most important milestone was the over $1 million investment in the company by Open Ocean Capital, a leading investor in community and open source business. Other important events include a partnership agreement with Canonical that guarantee official Canonical | Ubuntu support for commercial Zentyal server editions, establishment of the Board of Directors to steer the business and product development, or celebration of the Zentyal Summit 2012.

All this has happened keeping in mind our commitment to continuous growth and improvement of our product and service offering – Therefore the year 2012 has been a year of major strides also in terms of product development. Zentyal server 3.0 was released last October: based on Ubuntu 12.04 and offering Samba4, Single Sign-On and improved Zarafa integration among other important features, it has made Zentyal server a drop-in replacement for the Active Directory. Moreover, there have been major improvements in the Zentyal Remote, a remote monitoring and management platform for both servers and desktops, and big steps have been taken with Zentyal Cloud development to offer in the next months cloud services fully integrated with Zentyal server.

As a logical step related to the changes in the products and services offering, Zentyal has also launched a new commercial offering and a new partnership program, easier and more suitable for IT support and service providers interested in embracing the managed IT service model. There are already more than 30 official Zentyal partners worldwide and the partner network is growing strong.

And last, but not least, we have given a warm welcome to Fluffy as our official mascot! It has been an exciting year and the Zentyal Team is looking forward to yet another thrilling year, that will take us closer to our goal of turning Zentyal into the easy IT infrastructure solution of choice for small and medium businesses!