Industry Leaders confirmed as new speakers for Protocols Plugfest Europe


Kolab, Collabora, Microsoft, SerNet and Zentyal experts among featured speakers

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February 18, 2015, Zaragoza (Spain) – Zentyal, the leader in open source Microsoft Protocol Interoperability, today announced first speakers including FSFE, Microsoft, SerNet, Bitergia and LibreOffice for the Protocols Plugfest Europe 2015, taking place in Zaragoza, Spain, May 12-14, 2015. Attendees and media can register at

The Protocols Plugfest sessions will feature both technical and business insights on Microsoft commitment to Openness, the future of protocols, open source and interoperability. Industry vendors will unveil their latest implementations for standards, products and services, explaining how they are interoperable, as well as offering an opportunity for attendees to test their implementations in the Interoperability Lab.

Miklos Vajna from LibreOffice at Collabora, Georg Greve from Kolab and Founder of the FSFE, Volker Lendecke from SerNet and Samba Project, and Jesús González-Barahona from Bitergia are just a few of the high profile experts who will headline this European Protocol Interoperability conference. A complete list of confirmed speakers is available at

Georg Greve, CEO at Kolab, commented “for us, connecting openly expresses what we do, as much as how we do it. The very architecture of our solution is based on micro services connecting through Open Standards, allowing extensibility, integration and natural horizontal as well as vertical scalability.”

Designed for developers and IT managers responsible for deploying and developing interoperable solutions, Protocols Plugfest will cover major interoperability topics including Exchange, ActiveSync, SMB, Directory Services, Sharepoint, Office365, Cloud, Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data amongst others.

Registration for all keynotes, sessions, meals and social activities is 200€. To register please visit:

The call for participation (CFP) deadline is March 2, 2015. Please submit a proposal and be a part of this year’s event. Additional details, speakers and sessions will be announced after all proposals have been received on mid-March.

“We are thrilled to have speakers with extensive experience, passion and vision on interoperability and open source. We look forward to hearing these experts and how their companies and communities are building an engaged and growing ecosystem, and how they bring innovation to open specifications and standards”, said Julien Kerihuel, CTO at Zentyal.

Visit the new Protocols Plugfest Blog to stay up to date and learn more about program topics, social activities, and insights on our speakers, and sign up to receive the newsletter with the latest announcement.

Protocols Plugfest Europe is made possible with the support from our sponsors including Microsoft, SerNet and Gobierno de Aragón, and the collaboration of Etopia, Center for Art and Technology, and City Hall of Zaragoza.

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About Zentyal
Zentyal, based in Zaragoza (Spain), develops cloud technology natively interoperable with Microsoft® products. As the leader of open source Microsoft® Protocol Interoperability, Zentyal is proud to host the landmark event Protocols Plugfest Europe. For more information, please visit: –

Media Contacts
For more information and interviews, contact:
Protocols Plugfest – Paola Barrachina
[email protected]
+34 976 29 26 85