Limerick City Council migrates to open source email solution with Zentyal


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(Zaragoza,Spain) The city of Limerick, Ireland’s third largest city and leader of the open source adoption in the Irish local government, chose Zentyal to migrate to an open source email solution. This migration was the second phase of a larger migration process that aims at moving most of the IT infrastructure of the Limerick City Council to open source solutions, motivated by license costs savings and avoidance of vendor lock-in.

Zentyal was chosen as the technology solution because it integrated all the necessary functionality from Active Directory synchronization, Postfix and Zarafa as mail stack to Samba as file and printer sharing. It also integrated with the existing Microsoft infrastructure, allowing seamless and phased migration of the email services, with no disruption to the users: small teams were gradually transferred to the new email solution while the rest kept working within the existing environments.

“The most important challenge faced during the migration was to guarantee successful change management process. Both system administrators and users used to Windows environments needed to feel at ease with the new systems and be productive from day one” said Mihai Bilauca, Chief Information Officer at Limerick City Council. “We were extremely satisfied to notice that our system administrators did not need special training in Zentyal even if they did not have Linux background and Zarafa’s webmail was conceived as a web-based replacement for Outlook. All this helped greatly making the migration pretty straightforward.”

At the moment the email migration is fully completed and currently the IT Department of the Limerick City Council is deploying additional Zentyal-based services like file and printer sharing and testing HTTP proxy.

Additional Information

Download the detailed use case: Limerick-Zentyal use case.

About Limerick City Council (

The city of Limerick is located in the mid-west Ireland and it is Ireland’s third largest city, with about 110,000 citizens living in the greater Limerick area. The Limerick City Council has a staff of approximately 450 people that work on six different locations, and it is responsible of many public services including roads, water, planning, environment, finance, social housing, fire station, emergency control center and arts & culture. The Limerick City Council started their migration to open source IT in 2009 and today they are leaders of the open source adoption in the Irish local government.

About Zentyal (

Zentyal S.L., developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, gives small and medium businesses (SMBs) and organizations an affordable, easy-to-use option to have an enterprise-grade IT infrastructure. By choosing Zentyal-based solutions, SMBs can reduce their IT investments and costs, improve the security and minimize the downtime of their IT infrastructure.

Zentyal-based solutions are widely used in the small and medium businesses regardless of sector, industry or location as well as in the public administrations or in the educational sector. Zentyal S.L. partners with local IT support and service providers to guarantee the provision of Zentyal-based solutions worldwide.