New eBox 1.4-2 installer released!


The eBox Platform development team is glad to let you know that the eBox Platform 1.4-2 installer is now released! The new installer, available for download at, comes with plenty of bugfixes and some minor improvements. The most relevant changes include:

  • DNS: Added support for internal networks allowed to recurse the caching server.
  • Ebackup: Improvements on frequency and keep options. Added backup and restore of logs. Added restore configuration from backup action. VolSize option can be changed through configuration file.
  • Egroupware: Now works properly on a master-slave scenario.
  • Firewall: New firewall table containing rules added by eBox services.
  • Network: Failover test are more robust now.
  • Samba: Allow guest shares. New patched samba package that should fix the full_audit bug.
  • Squid: New bandwidth throttling support with delay pools (to allow traffic shaping when transparent proxy is enabled). Add refresh_pattern options for Microsoft Windows, Debian and Ubuntu updates.
  • Webserver: Allow non-fqdn and topdomains as vhosts.
  • The full changelog is available at As always, we would appreciate any feedback – Please do not hesitate to report any issues through the eBox Support Forum or eBox Trac.