New Zentyal 2.0-3 installer available!


The development team of Zentyal, the Linux small business server previously know as eBox Platform, is glad to announce the availability of Zentyal 2.0-3 installer! This is a new compilation of all the latest Zentyal packages as well as the last system updates from Ubuntu.

Please note that this installer comes with a new Zentyal Cloud-based feature: you can see a new “Disaster Recovery” entry in the installer menu. This option allows users with a free Basic Server Subscription to automatically install the modules from a previously stored configuration backup and also to restore the configuration itself. Starting from January, full Disaster Recovery functionality will be available for those with Professional and Enterprise subscriptions.

Another mayor change in the installer is the switch from slim to LXDM as display manager – we have opted for this change to avoid crashes of the graphic environment on some systems.

Remember that if you already have Zentyal 2.0 installed, you can update to the latest version without having to reinstall. Simply go to “Zentyal Components” page in the “Software Management” section and download the new packages! Alternatively, you can download the new installer at

The whole Zentyal Team wishes you happy holidays with this new release! We will be at the office, so if you can spare some of your time to test the new features, it would definitely be the best gift you could ever make!