New Zentyal Cloud version offers improved free Basic Subscription!


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, announced today a new Zentyal Cloud version. Zentyal Cloud offers Zentyal server users a series of subscription services that help to keep their servers always updated and secured and remotely monitor and manage them. This new Zentyal Cloud version offers improved alerts, reports and security options and introduces improved free Basic Subscription.

“This version introduces many new features and usability improvements for the users with commercial subscriptions, but we would like to highlight the new features included in the free Basic Subscription” said Enrique Hernández, Zentyal Cloud Product Manager. “From now on, Basic Subscription users will have access to basic alerts, reports, monitoring options and jobs directly from the Zentyal Cloud. We believe it will help both potential customers and partners to have more complete view of the Zentyal Cloud functionality and benefits the commercial subscriptions offers in server management.”

Along with the improved Basic Subscription, this Zentyal Cloud version features new Zarafa and Bandwidth monitoring reports, possibility to fine tune alert frequencies and ad blocking updates integrated in the Advanced Security Updates subscription, removing advertisements automatically from the websites the network users browse. Moreover, a number of usability and other improvements have taken place.

Users gain access to the Zentyal Cloud services by obtaining a Professional or Enterprise Subscription. The free Basic Subscription allows users to have a preview to Zentyal Cloud and gives them access to some basic features. All the new features mentioned in this note will be officially supported starting from the Zentyal 2.2 version, that will be released on the 14th of September. For a preview, users can subscribe the latest release candidate (Zentyal 2.2-rc2) to Zentyal Cloud.