Official documentation for Zentyal 6.2 published

Official Documentation for Zentyal Server 6.2 Now Available

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The official documentation for the latest Zentyal Linux Server version (6.2) has been published now. It is available in both English and Spanish at: . The documentation covers all the Zentyal Server features, helping users to test and deploy the server correctly.

The documentation has been fully reviewed and updated and it also features a new “Best practices” chapter. This section aims at providing Zentyal Server users practical tips. It covers aspects one should take into account when planning a new Zentyal deployment and how to improve and secure an existing deployment.

Are you interested in more detailed Zentyal Server documentation and/or getting prepared for the ZeCA Certification Exam? In this case, we recommend you to purchase the Official Zentyal Book. This is based on the latest major Zentyal Server version (6.0) and it is available for purchase as an eBook and paperback through Lulu, starting from 29.90€: .

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