On-site Zentyal training in Paris, France (June, 2013)


Zentyal is glad to announce that official 3-day on-site training will be held in Paris, France, from the 26 to 28 of June. The training is aimed at IT support and service providers and professionals, who are interested in quickly becoming certified Zentyal professionals. The classes will be delivered by certified Zentyal staff in English from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m everyday.

On-site training will cover the most complex scenarios of the Zentyal on-line courses including deployment of a virtual environment, configuration of Zentyal as a Gateway, Samba 4.0 and Single Sing-On. Besides, students will gain access to the on-line courses for 30 days to complete the courses. At the completion of the training, students will be able to go to the ZeCA certification exam.

The cost of this training is 635€ | US $825, which is standard price of on-line training bundle and Zentyal Certified Associate (ZeCA) certification exam. Besides, the students get both student materials and the 3-day on-site training for free.

The students confirm their attendance to the course simply by purchasing the Zentyal On-line Training Bundle and the ZeCA Certification Exam Voucher and writing to [email protected].