OPS Activity becomes a Zentyal Partner to offer Italian schools secure, all-in-one Linux server solutions


Zentyal, developer of the Linux small business server of the same name, announced today that OPS Activity has joined the Zentyal Partner Program. OPS Activity is an Italian IT company that specializes in analysis, consulting and training services. As an Authorized Zentyal Partner, OPS Activity will promote specially their Internet School Pack solution that grants the schools a complete server system that fully complies with the Italian information security law.

“According to the Italian law, all schools must have specific security systems for their computer networks. Because of these requirements, we have created a service called Internet School Pack” said Marco Olimpi, Marketing Manager at OPS Activity, and continued “This solution combines the Zentyal software that provides all-in-one server solution with training courses and secure remote assistance. From our customers point of view it is a quick and effective all-in-one solution.”

“OPS Activity is company formed by technically capable people, with the added value of having also expertise in the areas of education and design” stated Mateo Burillo, Zentyal Partner Manager. “We believe that their Zentyal-based solution, focused on academy and school environments, is a complete service that includes analysis, consultancy and implementation of both technical aspects and web design, guaranteeing a polished end product to their customers”.

In addition to the Internet School Pack specially designed to educational environments, OPS Activity will offer its customers certified subscription services built on top of the Zentyal server. These subscriptions guarantee that the installed Zentyal servers are always up to date and secured and allow the customers to receive frequent reports on their system performance. Moreover, customers can also opt for subscription services that allow OPS Activity to manage their systems remotely. Certified technical support and subscription add-ons such as disaster recovery, advanced security updates and low-cost VoIP calls complete the service offering.

OPS Activity
OPS Activity was founded in order to help companies to understand better the vast world of information technology and to choose the most suitable solutions to their business. Together with their customers, OPS Activity evaluates the possibility of using open source software for their projects with the aim of saving unnecessary costs. OPS Activity team consists of experts working in the IT world for over ten years and in addition, some of their team members are also teachers. Thanks to company’s active cooperation with educational institutions and their vision of schools as companies with specific needs, they have been able to create a number of solutions targeted exclusively to schools.
More information about OPS Activity: www.opsactivity.it