Zentyal Cloud, the new Zentyal cloud product, inspires a special interest in the Brazilian market


Download this press release in PDF: Portuguese, English and Spanish. (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Zentyal, developer of easy IT solutions for SMBs, has detected a special interest in the Zentyal Cloud, recently launched product in beta phase, in the Brazilian market. Brazil is the second country in the world that more Zentyal Cloud beta accounts has requested. In Latin America, the …

Zentyal 3.2 Beta | New Zentyal 3.1-1 installer available!


The Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce the availability of the second Zentyal 3.1 installer that includes the latest 3.1.X packages. You can download the new installer for 32- and 64-bit architectures from our Beta Downloads page. These packages can also be installed on any existing Ubuntu Server 12.04 using the instructions available in the Installation Guide. If you …

Join #ZGathering meetings on IRC and contribute to Zentyal 4.0 ideas


The roadmap of the new Zentyal 3.2 release is closed and the 3.2 code freeze is planned for June 15. This means that we have one year ahead to think about how we want the 4.0 version to look like. Do you want to participate from the start by contributing ideas and code for the development? We are glad to …

On-site Zentyal training in Paris, France (June, 2013)


Zentyal is glad to announce that official 3-day on-site training will be held in Paris, France, from the 26 to 28 of June. The training is aimed at IT support and service providers and professionals, who are interested in quickly becoming certified Zentyal professionals. The classes will be delivered by certified Zentyal staff in English from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 …

Zentyal at Samba XP: Building together a Linux alternative to AD


Zentyal is glad to announce that it will be present at SambaXP 2013, the international Samba conference for users and developers taking place in Göttingen, Germany, from May 14 to 17. A talk entitled Challenges and Experiences of the Samba 4.0 Integration in Zentyal will be held by Samuel Cabrero, developer at Zentyal, within the track 2 on May 16 …

Certified Zentyal Training at the CTA (Zaragoza, Spain)


Zentyal is glad to announce that the Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas (CTA) will deliver a Zentyal certified course in Zaragoza, Spain, in June 2013. The course, entitled Administración de redes Linux con Zentyal, is aimed at employees, unemployed and independent professionals with network management skills, interested in Linux based network management. The course is free of charge and will be …

Zentyal 3.2 Beta | First Zentyal 3.2 beta installer and packages available!


Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce the next stable Zentyal server release (Zentyal 3.2) is one step closer: the first beta Zentyal 3.1 packages and installer are available! This new installer and packages come already with some new features: new IPS module, L2TP support in the IPsec module, faster Zentyal administration interface, new headless (remote administration only) installation in the expert …