Preliminary Program for Zentyal Summit 2011 available


Zentyal announced today the preliminary program for the upcoming Zentyal Summit 2011, that is to be held in November 11-12, in Zaragoza, Spain. The current draft version includes talks given by Zentyal Development Team on topics such as: Business opportunities based on Zentyal, Zentyal vs. Windows solutions for small and medium businesses and Zentyal 3.0 roadmap.

In addition, an open discussion on Zentyal community governance has been included to the program, as well as three practical workshops: Zentyal server maintenance with Zentyal Cloud, Best practices deploying a Zentyal Server and How to customize Zentyal configuration files (by using hooks and templates). Partners’, users’ and community’s interests and requirements have been taken into account when defining this preliminary program.

The call for talks will close on the 24th of September. Both submitted and anticipated talk proposals are being taken into account and the definitive program will be announced in October. Potential speakers are encouraged to submit their talk proposals and it is also possible to register to the event at the Zentyal Summit website.

About Zentyal Summit
Zentyal Summit offers a meeting place to share experiences, meet and discuss with other Zentyal users and developers, discuss the roadmap of the next release, attend training sessions or take the ZeCA certification exam. The summit is open to all and it is specially aimed at current and potential Zentyal customers, partners, community members and users.

Zentyal Summit 2011 will be held right after the Libre Software World Conference 2011, that will take place in Zaragoza on the 9th and 10th of November. There is no registration fee for participating in Zentyal Summit, but seats are limited so early registration is highly recommended.