Preliminary program for Zentyal Summit 2013 available


Zentyal, developer of easy IT solutions for small business, today announced the preliminary program for Zentyal Summit 2013. The event will take place on the 3rd and 4th of October in Zaragoza (Spain) under the slogan ‘Keep Calm and Go Hybrid‘. The program will focus specially on how to seamlessly replace Active Directory and Exchange based solutions and what alternatives allow small and medium-sized businesses to keep their local IT infrastructure, while adapting cloud-solutions according to their needs.

The Summit begins on Thursday, October 3, with a keynote from Ignacio Correas, CEO and Founder of Zentyal. During his talk ‘2014 in review. Back to the Future‘ he will discuss why the IT business is right in the middle of a historic moment in which SMBs, after a 25-year monopoly situation, finally have a real alternative to manage their IT infrastructure. He will also talk about the implications in mid-long term. “What is happening and why it is so important? We must understand that we are not only breaking a monopoly and offering a fully compatible alternative, but as this alternative is open source we are breaking the monopoly for ever. This will also lead us back to innovation” said Correas.

The preliminary program published today features a series of commercial and technical presentations and workshops. The confirmed talks of the first day focus on presenting the freshly launched Zentyal Linux Small Business Server version 3.2, Zentyal Cloud and the new Zentyal Release Strategy, offering insight to both technical features and new functionality as well as commercial aspects. Moreover, during the ‘Zentyal Exchange Overview’ talks the attendees have the chance to see the first technology preview of the native Microsoft Exchange replacement Zentyal will offer in 2013.

The second day offers a series of hands-on workshops that enable the attendees from both commercial and technical point of view. The confirmed technical workshops help to understand how to upgrade from existing Microsoft environment to Zentyal Active Directory, how to deploy Zentyal OpenStack Cloud in your own data center, how to deploy native Zentyal-based Microsoft Exchange replacement or how to set up and configure Zentyal Server correctly as a business gateway. The commercial workshops will help to understand Zentyal’s commercial offering, how IT providers can build their own Zentyal-based service offering and how Zentyal helps its Authorized Partners to grow their business.

Zentyal Summit provides a unique meeting point, specially aimed at current and future Authorized Zentyal Partners, but also customers, community members and Zentyal server users. There is no registration fee, but the number of seats available is limited, so early registration is recommended. Both the program and registration form can be found at the Summit website at: The Zentyal Summit 2013 is organized in collaboration with the Zaragoza City Hall and Local Government of Aragón.