Updates in Zentyal subscription, support and training services


Zentyal, developer of the Zentyal Linux small business server, announced today a series of updates and improvements in its subscription, support and training services. These changes are closely related to the new, Zentyal server version released last week and aim at responding better to the customer needs and demands.

“Each new Zentyal server version is an excellent opportunity to put in practice the feedback and experience we have gained during the past year regarding our services” said Ignacio Correas, Zentyal CEO. “Thanks to the growing sales, we have been able to adjust both pricing and content of our services in benefit of our customers.”

Both pricing and SLA of the yearly support packages have been polished, differentiating more clearly the target audience of each support package. Thus, Essential-level support is now focused on simple installations in small organizations, Standard-level is better adapted for more complex installations in medium organizations and Premium-level is aimed at businesses with needs to integrate Zentyal in their existing environments

As to the training services, a new basic course “Zentyal for Network Technicians” has been introduced and the intermediate course “Zentyal for Network Administrators” has been fully renewed. The basic course allows the students to learn how to deploy Zentyal server as a network gateway and how to manage the IT infrastructure and security in small and medium businesses, while the intermediate course shows how to deploy Zentyal as an office and communications server.

New pricing has been adopted for all support packages and courses. Other updates include the introduction of the ad-blocking feature in the Advanced Security Updates subscription and adjustment of the Disaster Recovery subscription price.