Zarafa Terminates Partnership with Zentyal: End of an Era


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Zentyal SL, the world’s other supplier of servers natively compatible with Microsoft® Exchange and Outlook® software, announces the end of the long-standing partnership agreement with Zarafa. Taking effect from 31st December 2013, Zentyal will continue to support existing Zarafa customers through 2014 and beyond, however the Zarafa module will not appear in future versions of Zentyal Server Commercial Edition. Instead, Zentyal Server users can benefit from Zentyal’s new groupware suite that is completely compatible with Microsoft® Exchange server.

A New Answer to Common Problems

While many Zentyal users benefited from Zentyal Server shipping Zarafa as one component of many, there are two common problems Zarafa was not able to address. The first problem is that administrators are understandably reluctant to install a closed-source plugin from Zarafa or other suppliers on Windows® based client machines to emulate Microsoft® messaging products. The second problem is that some widely-used Microsoft® workstation and server products are reaching their end of supported life and Microsoft® are no longer offering equivalent products.

Only the new Zentyal Server solution addresses both problems through its native (not emulated) Microsoft® product compatibility features. With Zentyal Server there are no client maintenance issues because the client software just works, without any reconfiguation or additional non-Microsoft® software. There is no need for forced upgrades because Zentyal Server is a drop-in replacement for Microsoft® Exchange server. Zentyal Server is completely Open Source, so users cannot be forced to upgrade or be moved to a cloud solution.

New Channel Opportunities

Are you a Zarafa Partner looking for something different? Zentyal relies on a worldwide network of channel partners, which is scaling up to meet the increasing demands for servers compatible with Microsoft® Exchange and Microsoft® Outlook products. The Zentyal Server Hybrid Cloud solution is a pragmatic alternative, putting ISVs and VARs back in control of the technology chain rather than forcing their clients and partners alike to the cloud.

The Zentyal Partner Program suits new channel suppliers whether they are looking to diversify away from being a Microsoft® product only reseller, or whether they need a more compatible solution than Zarafa and others.

Supporting Quotes

We were willing to continue shipping new versions of Zarafa to those many Zentyal customers who are successfully using it around the world”, said Ignacio Correas, CEO of Zentyal. “Unfortunately in the end this was not possible, but now as well as offering the assurance of full and continued support for our historical products, we have a new server solution that fully supports all Microsoft Outlook® messaging software features without plugins or other partial solutions. In just one month since shipping Zentyal Server 3.3 Community Edition and Zentyal Server 3.2 Service Pack 1 our customers have made it clear this is their preference for the future.

As many channel suppliers know, 60% of the on-site groupware server market has been inaccessible because no previous product has been completely compatible with Microsoft® Exchange. We want to tell partners – whether they are using Zarafa or some other solution – that this has now changed. Zentyal Server is your one-stop shop for delivering what end users have been demanding for so long” said Beata Gonzalez-Blanco, VP Sales, Zentyal.

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