Zentyal 2.0 – A major new release of the Linux Small Business Server


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(Zaragoza, Spain) The Zentyal Development Team announced today the release of Zentyal 2.0, the Linux small business server formerly known as eBox Platform. Zentyal aims at providing SMBs easy and affordable network management and reducing their network infrastructure costs by more than 50%.

Zentyal 2.0 is based on the new Ubuntu 10.4 LTS distribution and this has implied a major change in all the server components. For this reason, Zentyal 2.0 is a new major release. With this change, the users are ensured higher levels of security, functionality and hardware compatibility.

Besides updating the Zentyal base, this version features significant usability, performance and stability improvements. Additionally, it also includes new features. With the goal of providing a Linux server that can be fully configured through a simple graphical interface, software management improvements have taken place and automatic configuration wizards have been introduced.

Moreover, the configuration backed of Zentyal has been changed from gconf to redis and this has improved notably the server speed. Thanks to this and other visual enhancements, the general user experience has been greatly improved.

Additionally, Zentyal 2.0 also includes new features such as bridge mode that simplifies the deployment of existing networks or FTP module demanded by many Zentyal community members. Finally, this version also features a new Zarafa module that provides a groupware solution for sharing calendars, contacts and tasks.

Additional information
Zentyal 2.0 is available for download at:
The official Zentyal 2.0 release announcement is available at:
This announcement is also available in Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian.

About Zentyal
Zentyal aims at providing small and medium businesses with an affordable and easy-to-use enterprise-level computer network. By using Zentyal, SMBs are able to improve the reliability and security of their network infrastructure and to reduce their investments and operational costs.

Zentyal development was started in early 2004 and currently it is an open source alternative to Windows Small Business Server. The Zentyal Development Team and Authorized Zentyal Partners offer a series of subscription services such as Quality assured software updates, Alerts and reports, Centralized monitoring and administration of multiple Zentyal servers, Technical support and Certified training.