Zentyal 2.2 Upgrade Tool Available!


After somewhat longer beta period than initially expected, Zentyal Development Team is glad to announce that the upgrade tool to migrate from Zentyal 2.0 to Zentyal 2.2 is now ready! Special thanks go to all those Zentyal users who helped in the testing process and gave useful feedback to improve the tool!

Information on how to use the tool, known issues, etc. is available at the Trac. As migrating a production server is a complex task that may lead to problems, it is recommended to do the migration out of office hours, making sure that it is possible to restore a backup if anything goes wrong during the process.

If you come up with any issues, please report through the Forum. On the other hand, if you have a critical production environment and you want to count on Zentyal Development Team’s help for the migration, you can always opt for commercial support.

Enjoy the new Zentyal 2.2 server!