Zentyal 3.4 Changelog

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  • Make FreshclamStatus model more resilient to errors
  • Fix status when the freshclam state file is empty


  • Show reminder to enable interfaces when there are none enabled and the usage table is empty


  • Migrated to use Plack / PSGI API instead of the CGI one
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts


  • Migrated to use Plack as the application server instead of mod_perl
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Fixed CaptivePortalQUota event watcher path
  • Fixed restricted login by group
  • Don’t show iptables error on Captive Daemon if debug is not enabled
  • Regenerate, if needed captive, portal rules on startup of captived
  • Better synchronization between sessions and iptables rules
  • Fixed SID generation code
  • Fix missing uses in EBox::CaptivePortal::Model::BWSettings


  • Store trace on EBox::Exceptions::Base creation and available at trace method
  • Make sure commercial messages are only displayed in English or Spanish
  • Set debug = yes by default for daily builds
  • Added EBox::Config::psgi() to get the path where all PSGI applications are stored
  • Added EBox::Config::list() to parse space-separated values
  • Updated EBox::Config::TestStub::fake to override EBox::Config::home so is more easy to use EBox::Users in unit tests
  • Avoid undefined $Error::Depth warning in exceptions


  • Ask for trace object to non-handled EBox::Exceptions::Base exceptions in the UnhandledError middleware. This will gives us useful stack traces.
  • When requesting from type a non-existing value use acquirer if it is a volatile type
  • EBox::WebAdmin::addNginxInclude does not longer raises exception if file not yet exists
  • Improve post save modules algorithm
  • Added local apparmor profile for mysqld
  • Avoid to show two ‘module not enabled’ messages in composites
  • All non external exceptions from normal requests are now shown in the UI with the stack trace to report as a bug
  • All non external exceptions from AJAX requests are now shown in the UI with the stack trace to report as a bug
  • Template exceptions in normal requests are now handled in webadmin
  • Set templated files encoding to UTF-8
  • Send Perl warnings to Zentyal log file in webadmin app
  • Added keepFile parameter to EBox::Downloader::CGI::FromTempDir
  • Remove idle and dead code from EBox::Module::Service::writeConfFile
  • Added auditable property to EBox::Model::DataTable
  • Added HAProxyPreSetConf to HaProxy::ServiceBase
  • Moved management of webadmin certificate to HAProxy module
  • Enable ReverseProxy middleware always
  • MySQL is restarted before creating database
  • Use root ownership for webadmin certificates
  • Execute change hostname actions only if the hostname has really changed
  • Don’t expire session on finish software wizard page
  • Fixed show help JS to avoid to have help elements with different show state
  • Use window.location.replace instead of window.location.href to redirect using JS
  • In EBox::Type::Select, use element value as printableValue for unknown options or options without printableValue
  • Save haproxy config as changed after webadmin’s initialSetup
  • Send restartUI flag to restart service when restarting a module from the UI
  • Fix calculation of page number when using go to last page control
  • Update tracker url in dashboard widget
  • Continue installation without ads if there is a error getting them
  • Added EBox::WebAdmin::Middleware::SubAppAuth to validate WebAdmin sub-app requests
  • Ported restricted resources to use nginx
  • Removed EBox::Base::upload method because that’s 100% handled by Plack now.
  • Increased the buffer size for uwsgi applications to allow big submits like the one from automatic error report
  • Added a UnhandledError middleware to catch any die or exception not handled by Zentyal
  • Added a Devel::StackTrace helper view that shows pretty backtraces
  • Enable crash reports by default
  • Added template for download link
  • Created EBox::Util::Certificate, refactored create-certificate script
  • Changes in haproxy port validation and allow haproxy internal services
  • Restore AdminPort model for WebAdmin to improve usability
  • Added EBox::Module::Config::replicationExcludeKeys()
  • Added EBox::WebAdmin::PortObserver to be used by ha and remoteservices modules by the moment
  • Added EBox::GlobalImpl::addModuleToPostSave to save modules after normal save changes process
  • Added a way for HAProxy to retrieve the CA certificate entry that should be used
  • Added a left-right composite layout
  • Search and pagination forms can be omitted using showFilterForm and showPaginationForm properties
  • Show nice error when global-action fails using die * scalar
  • EBox::Util::Random now accepts a set of chars to have a random string
  • Notify HA when a module which must have a single instance in the cluster is enabled/disabled.
  • Added enabled action to /etc/init.d/zentyal to display whether a module is enabled or disabled
  • Pass model, type and id to enabled subroutine in EBox::Types::MultiStateAction to be ortoghonal to handler property
  • Fixed JS error on showing errors in customActionClicked
  • Added middleware to have auth based on a env variable
  • Updated nginx to server static files directly always so apache shouldn’t ever get this kind of requests
  • Use uWSGI instead of Apache mod_perl for running CGIs
  • Updated automatic bug report URL to new bug report endpoint
  • Give support to custom actions without image. Those actions will not appear in the legend.
  • Added to findValueMultipleFields and findValue the nosync parameter
  • Added support for haproxy 1.5
  • Moved nginx to listen on localhost
  • Integration with HA module in save changes process
  • Added icon for new zentyal-ha module
  • Migrate rs_verify_servers in remoteservices.conf to rest_verify_servers core.conf
  • Include basic support to free-format Template models to be included in Composites
  • Move run-pending-ops script from remoteservices to core
  • Rename EBox::RemoteServices::RESTResult to EBox::RESTClient::Result
  • Move EBox::RemoteServices::RESTClient to EBox::RESTClient as it is used in ha and remoteservices module.
  • Adapt init.d and upstart running checks to Ubuntu 13.10
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Adapted apache configuration to 2.4
  • Adapted EBox::Config::Redis to the new libredis-perl API
  • Adapted redis.conf to redis 2.6
  • Zentyal MySQL custom conf is now written on initial-setup of logs using a mason template
  • Write logs configuration only when the module is enabled
  • Use replace instead of href to redirect in Controller::DataTable (This avoids infinite loops if the user press back button)
  • Move EBox::CGI::Downloader::* modules to EBox::Downloader to make file downloads work again
  • Avoid division by zero while using page navigation
  • Automatic report text formatting adapted to Redmine
  • Fix tab selection in tabbed composite from URL path anchor, for instance, /Maintenance/Events#ConfigureDispatchers
  • Avoid errors triggered on web administration port validation
  • ManageAdmins model now also add/removes lpadmin group
  • Show nice error when global-action fails using die * scalar
  • Fixed JS error on showing errors in customActionClicked
  • Fixed rethrown of exception in restartService() and EBox::CGI::Base::upload methods
  • Remove lock file in EBox::Util::Lock::unlock()
  • Fixed mason component root for custom stubs
  • Fixed regression in clone action
  • Decode to utf8 the MySQL database results
  • Create log database using utf8 charset
  • Better way to set MySQL password for all the root accounts
  • Use same JSON reply file for changeRowForm and dataInUse
  • Fixed regression in AJAX changes with raised error when a data in use exception was found
  • Fixed css error that hide information in the logs tables
  • Use sharedscripts in zentyal-core logrotate to avoid triggering in every log file
  • Take into account view customizer on audit logging
  • Show complex types (more than one field) in audit log while editing by storing the dump of the value
  • Fix EBox::Types::Composite::cmp to store changes when only last type is modified
  • Fixed general widget packages to avoid error on ‘packages to upgrade’ section
  • Fixed regression when table size is set to ‘view all’


  • Fixed ThinClientOptions nextServer value for interfaces other than eth0
  • More generic help message for thin clients options page
  • Added HA floating IPs constraints when creating ranges and fixed IPs
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts


  • Fix nsupdate error after domain rename
  • Adapted apparmor configuration to Saucy
  • Avoid lame servers message
  • Use proper dlz library for bind9.9
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Take in account virtual interfaces too when getting addresses for a new domain


  • Fix regression in rsync method (contribution by billfarrow)


  • Added portUsedByService method
  • Updated to use the new haproxy API
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Fixed crash when editing view in Summarized Report
  • Added EBox::Iptables::executeModuleRules to be able to execute
  • Removed code made dead by new managament of DHCP nameservers
  • Select text clearer for interfaces which have virtual interfaces


  • Enabled the chrootUsers optionv
  • Fix the enabling of the chrootUsers option


  • New module


  • Ignore bond slaves when looking for enabled interfaces (contribution by Vsevolod Kukol)
  • Depend on new tcmalloc version in saucy


  • Corrected getJabberAdmins to properly provide array of admins uid’s
  • Using STARTTLS instead of SSL by default


  • Added and used checkMailNotInUse method
  • Added _delVDomainAbort to LdapVDomain base to give the opportunity to abort vdomain removals
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Added and used checkMailNotInUse method
  • Don’t add mail which already exists when adding group alias
  • Better integration with openchange account addon
  • Remove openchange account when removing mail account
  • Postfix max mail size is increased by 36% because of base64 encoding
  • Better integration of group alias addon
  • Added openchange outgoing mail rewriting
  • Added sieve_dir plugin parameter
  • Nopass dovecot policy enabled only when Openchange provisioned


  • Changed configuration of amavis to avoid only ipv6 in Net::LDAP bug
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Fixed logs summarized report


  • Migrated to use Plack as the application server instead of mod_perl
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Show save changes message advice only when it applies
  • Do not show internal errors when possible and suggest an advice to fix it


  • Import current DHCP addresses in first setup and when enabling module
  • Don’t allow domain names as target of failover tests, usability changes in failover rules
  • Removed DNS resolution failover test
  • Save module config after initialSetup
  • Added flag to notify when an ifup is set
  • Wait a bit in multigwRoutes to give time to dhcp/pppoe to register addresses
  • Implement replicationExcludeKeys() to avoid replication of ifaces in HA
  • Migrated to use Plack / PSGI API instead of the CGI one
  • When adding a new IP (viface or static iface) it is checked to avoid collision with the current HA floating IPs
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Added bonding support (contribution by Vsevolod Kukol)
  • Specifiy local address in failover tests to avoid vlan interface problems
  • Fix Dynamic DNS with Zentyal Remote as provider when the registration wizard is done
  • Fixed bad behaviour in interfaces method wizard
  • Wait a bit in multigwRoutes to give time to dhcp/pppoe to register addresses
  • Don’t generate resolvconf file until all interfaces are up
  • nameservers() method always return if DNS module is installed and enabled
  • Fixed dhclient configuration
  • Fixed some issues with showing of DHCP nameservers and removed related dead code
  • Don’t use owner module in external-ip.pl script
  • Changed failover firewall rules to not use owner module
  • Fixed regression in VLANs interface (contribution by Chris Pitchford)
  • Fixed bug which made impossible to edit pppoe gateways
  • Fix regresion in the installer wizard that made options for static interfaces be always shown


  • Better control of stopping daemon before syncing time
  • Adapted apparmor configuration to Saucy
  • Save module config after initialSetup
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts


  • nut init.d script renamed to nut-server in saucy


  • Clearer error when calling objectMembers with a invalid object id


  • Avoid to mark webadmin as changed
  • Update nginx template to allow access to /ews/oof
  • Added UI message with sogo webmail interface location
  • Sogo webmail shared contacts unified. Contacts working properly
  • Use the new EBox::Samba::Ldbobject::isCritical method
  • Contacts are now shown at the webmail interface
  • Zentyal internal accounts hidden from webmail interface
  • Save config if it changes in migration between versions
  • Adapt sogo.conf to work only with ou=Users, fixes login problem
  • Don’t allow to remove outgoing mail virtual domain
  • Added rpcproxy service
  • Provision openchangedb with mysql as backend
  • Migrated to use Plack / PSGI API instead of the CGI one
  • Remove obsolete sope dependency
  • Added rpcproxy service to zentyal-webserver for Outlook Anywhere
  • Calendar invitations now sent via email by default
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Using Zentyal MySQL confile template
  • Extracted vdomain selection for outgoing mail to a new configuration model named Configuration
  • Better user addon integration
  • Fixed bug which not enabled new user accounts when using different mail domain than AD domain
  • Prevent OpenChange provision if we don’t have access to update the schema or it’s already extended by another OpenChange / Exchange previous installation.
  • Clean all previous data before enabling the module
  • Fix regression hiding from module status
  • Fixed migration form that is missing a .js file to work
  • Hide openchange service status from the dashboard and linked it status to the one from Samba
  • User addon – remove check that require AD domain to be the same as mail virtual domain
  • Added basic deprovision option
  • Fixed a typo that makes openchange appear always off on Dashboard
  • Added vdomain selection for outgoing mail at provision screen


  • Log audit working properly for download client bundle
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts


  • Skip internal groups in printer ACL model
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Implement printers() method to retrieve users permissions


  • Port proxy redirections to Nginx from Apache
  • Use the new PortObserver to report a change in the webadmin listening port
  • Migrated to use Plack as the application server instead of mod_perl
  • Updated to use the new haproxy API.
  • Move run-pending-ops script to core
  • Move EBox::RemoteServices::RESTClient and RESTResult to core and uses it as base in specific behaviour
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Remove Disaster Recovery menu entry as it is managed by cloud-prof module
  • Fix restore remote backup with spaces in the backup name
  • Fix: Do not subscribe to the newsletter in the wizard if the user requires so
  • On initial setup, do only reload bundle and restart the service if the server is registered
  • Fix warning on last inside an eval on automatic-conf-backup script


  • Moved to use Net::LDAP::Control::Relax object to relax LDAP restrictions and forced the critical flag to 0 so Samba accepts it
  • Added EBox::Samba::LdbObject::isCritical method to simplify all checks of the isCriticalSystemObject attribute
  • EBox::Samba::LdbObject::setCritical cannot use lazy flag to work correctly
  • Split openchange configuration into its own config file and set correct permissions on it
  • Remove printers from dependencies list if the module is not installed
  • Updated EBox::Samba::Users::setCredentials to stop using the lazy flag and added a note about why it cannot be used in the method documentation
  • Write openchange options to use mysql as backend
  • Use new addModuleToPostSave Global interface in Provision class
  • Depend on new samba packaging instead of old samba4 one
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • ad-migrate: Detect offline role owner and seize roles
  • Fixed setting of printers permissions
  • s4sync: Check samba daemon is running
  • Ignored and logged as errors the users, contacts and groups in OpenLDAP that are not linked with Samba objects
  • Fix edit Group Policy Link after UI changes
  • Fix GPO models UI
  • Fix revert resolvconf configuration after joining domain
  • Fix delete GPLink: use gPLink attribute name as our checkers are case sensitive
  • Set allow_non_scanned_files = True on samba.conf by default to avoid issues with antivirus when editing files
  • EBox::Samba::LdbObject::setCritical cannot use lazy flag to work correctly
  • Fix NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED opening files quering the DOS attributes and passing them to open function
  • Set OpenChange as not provisioned when Samba is reprovisioned
  • Added a way to check whether we are managing the AD schema or not
  • Samba provision failures when IPs are not set no longer talk wrongly about internal interfaces
  • Create directories in _setConf to avoid invalid group __USERS__ error
  • Clean up openchange section in stub smb.conf file
  • Fixed bug in EBox::LDB::users which made the method to not return users inside Organization Units
  • Fix typo in SambaLdapUser that fixes error in change email
  • Change user modification hook from _modifyUser to _preModifyUser
  • Throw DataExists exception if the user try to rename a user on a container and already exists
  • Check for duplicated DN on user creation and show a proper error, not an internal exception
  • Fixed s4sync’s breakage when tries to sync serviceprincipals to OpenLDAP. Those users are ignored on EBox::LDB::users method
  • Remove group share on group deletion
  • Set the setShareRightsReset flag on SambaSharesPermissions row deletion
  • Samba log helper is now aware of utf8
  • EBox::Samba::LdbObject::deleteObject – Delete all childs before self deletion
  • User profiles are only created if the OpenLDAP sync exists, otherwise, defer it until s4sync does the synchronization
  • Typo fix in netbios validation
  • Check if objects are system critical before deletion


  • Added portUsedByService method
  • Updated to use the new haproxy API


  • Don’t expire session when first time menu is visible
  • When there is no action defined for EBox::Software::CGI::InstallPkgs throw a MissingArgument instead of an Internal exception
  • Migrated to use Plack as the application server instead of mod_perl
  • Remove useless initial-setup script
  • Be able to update zentyal components when clicking select all checkbox
  • Update install button when clicking select all checkbox
  • Send an alert if a restart is required after performing an automatic update with auto-updater


  • New module


  • Give support to multiple addresses for a domain in Transparent Proxy Exemptions
  • Save modules configurations after initialSetup
  • Added all subdomains in cache exemptions
  • Deny cache explicitly from cache exemption domains
  • Give support to optional ABORTED flag in denied requests when the HTTP client aborts the request
  • Adapt configuration for squid 3.3.8
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Forced 644 permission on Dansguardian files to avoid zombie processes
  • Remove canonical_dn call for compatibility with MS LDAP servers in external AD mode
  • Synchronise AD groups every 30 min if using external AD and any filter profile includes an AD group
  • Manage errors when AD failed on fulfill our requests in external AD mode
  • Give support to groups with more than 1500 members and more than 1000 groups in external AD mode
  • Fixed regression in authenticationMode method
  • Added validation of the domains added to the transparent proxy exceptions


  • Unallow edition of interface in rules until it is supported
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Mark bond slaves as not shapable and use the master bond for shaping (contribution by Vsevolod Kukol)


  • Enable ReverseProxy middleware always
  • Added updateSessionPassword method
  • User Corner service is now managed by HAProxy Service
  • Added necessary saveConfigRecursive after initialSetup
  • Migrated to use Plack as the application server instead of mod_perl
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts


  • Updated EBox::Users::Model::Password to use EBox::Usercorner::updateSessionPassword method and the new samba location
  • Stop changing users and contacts’ cn field on object edition, allowed to edit the displayName field, just as Windows does
  • Disable OpenLDAP users sync in favor of Samba AD replication
  • Avoid warning when checking whether we are in the usercorner
  • Updated to use Plack / PSGI instead of mod_perl
  • Updated to use the new haproxy API
  • Use service instead of deprecated invoke-rc.d for init.d scripts
  • Fixed soap.conf for apache 2.4
  • Depend on apache2-utils, required to run htpasswd
  • Add script to update the credentials when mode is external AD
  • Added and used checkMailNotInUse method
  • Updated cloud sync to ignore any change done in cloud to internal users or groups
  • Fixed EBox::CloudSync::Slave to sync uid and gid numbers on user update and added unit tests for it
  • Added EBox::Users::Group::setInternal method
  • Allow to use lazy flag with EBox::Users::User::setInternal
  • Added unit tests for cloud sync code
  • Check available IP addresses when enable module
  • Added lock to cloud-sync script
  • Better integration of edit groups for mail group aliases
  • Update group icon when type of group changes
  • Implement _preModifyUser on LdapUserBase
  • Throw exceptions on EBox::USers::LdapObject::get when entry not exists
  • Fixed regression in LDAP info page for external AD mode
  • Print slave-sync output to zentyal.log instead of stdout
  • Fixed excesive restrictive validation of external AD password in wizard


  • Check, at least, a listening port is mandatory
  • Fix when webserver is not listening in HTTP port
  • Don’t regenerate certificate if it has the same CN that the virtual host name
  • Register in Apache configuration the public port used to reach it so automatic redirects work behind haproxy
  • Modules changed in initialSetup have now its configuration saved
  • Added support for internal virtual domains (only for openchange for now)
  • Updated to use the new haproxy API
  • Adapt configuration for Apache 2.4

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