Zentyal Academy presentation and hands-on workshop (28 April, Madrid, Spain)


The vocational training program Zentyal Academy will be presented in the premises of Madrid on Rails (C/Lago Titicaca 10, Vicálvaro, 28032 Madrid) on April 28th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. After a brief introduction to Zentyal server and this training program, hands-on workshop will take place, allowing the attendees to take their first steps with Zentyal server. The event is organized in collaboration with Madrid on Rails (MoR) and the Association of Computer Science Teachers of Madrid (A.P.I. Madrid).

Zentyal Academy is a training program, compatible with the European curriculum, that introduces Linux-based network management tools integrated in Zentyal server in the official vocational training curriculum. Zentyal server is an easy-to-use Linux server, specially designed for small and medium organizations that allows users to quickly achieve a high level of experience in server administration and secure network management, without using command-line interface.

The event is specially aimed at computer science teachers of secondary and higher vocational education schools, interested in introducing open source network management tools in the training programs of their schools, or deploying easy-to-use Linux server in their facilities. During the presentation, the attendees are also given examples of the different uses schools are giving to Zentyal server and how autonomous communities such as Aragon, Catalonia and La Rioja are adapting the Zentyal Academy program.

The event is free of charge, but registration is required to estimate the number of computers needed for the hands-on workshop. For more information and registration (please note that you must first join the MoR platform and then join the event), please visit this page.