Zentyal and Mandriva join forces to offer server technology natively interoperable with Microsoft® server products


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Zentyal, developer of server technology natively interoperable with Microsoft® server products, announced today a partnership agreement with Mandriva S.A, Europe’s leading publisher of open source solutions, to provide Mandriva’s Business Server with native Microsoft Active Directory® and Microsoft® Exchange Server compatibility. This will allow Mandriva S.A. to offer a better, safer version of a business server for organizations of any size.

The joint product development will allow a highly scalable, secure, cost effective and easy to use Business Server product for small and medium sized enterprises and large organizations alike. Mandriva’s Business Server is a Linux-based secure alternative to proprietary servers, adapted to the needs of small and large businesses, enterprises and administrations.

For decades, large majority of world’s businesses have had no choice but to lay their IT infrastructure to the hands of a single provider. Lack of competition has meant that product development has been steered rather by revenue streams than customer needs and there has been no need for innovation. Today, we can finally start changing this by offering a technology that is natively compatible with the core of Microsoft products and making it available through global players like Mandriva” said Ignacio Correas, CEO of Zentyal.

Mandriva is excited to lay the ground stones of the only pan-European alliance to provide a credible alternative to US-based software vendors, enhancing the privacy and digital independence of our customers while providing the exact same functionalities as competitive, closed-source and black-box IT systems. Capitalizing on European innovation, we strive to be the new generation advanced operating system in full respect of the data sovereignty, heading towards the “Airbus of IT”” said Jean-Manuel Croset, CEO of Mandriva S.A.

Mandriva Business Server: Independence, data integrity and privacy

Based on Mandriva’s own Linux operating system, built from scratch using only pan-European technology, the Mandriva Business Server will guarantee total independence and protect customer data integrity and privacy. It does not fall under any foreign regulation limiting the data sovereignty and prevents any information leaks.

The Mandriva Business Server – that will integrate Samba and OpenChange technologies packaged by Zentyal – includes following key features:

  • Mail and collaboration Server with full Exchange functionalities
  • Directory server with advanced features (GPO, Active Directory)
  • Web Server
  • Configuration & website deployment (WordPress and other CMS etc.)
  • Document storage & backup
  • Instant messaging (Jabber)
  • Security (firewall, secure package versions)
  • Network configuration & management
  • Application server
  • Access rights and user management
  • File and print server
  • VoIP (Asterisk)
  • Calendaring
  • VPN
  • Hypervisor for Virtual Machines
  • Mandriva ServicePlace for installing additional third party modules to customize and increase your server capacity and team’s productivity