Zentyal Cloud, the new Zentyal cloud product, inspires a special interest in the Brazilian market


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(Sao Paulo, Brazil) Zentyal, developer of easy IT solutions for SMBs, has detected a special interest in the Zentyal Cloud, recently launched product in beta phase, in the Brazilian market. Brazil is the second country in the world that more Zentyal Cloud beta accounts has requested. In Latin America, the 44% of all applications received to test this new service come from Brazil.

Zentyal Cloud is the only service on the market which allows to manage users, permissions, files and e-mail on the cloud, being totally syncronized with the local IT infrastructure. Furthermore, by offering only through channel, this new product is one of the main reasons for the increase in the number of potential partners of Zentyal.

This increased interest in the Brazilian market for Zentyal based solutions is reflected, for example, at a rise in the number of free accounts registered in 2013, that has increased by 44% compared to 2012. Also, another point of this growing interest is the fact that half of the applications to become an Authorized Zentyal Partner in Latin America come from Brazil.

In 2012, Brazil was the second country with more invoiced sales in the company (after Spain). In addition, 30% of Zentyal server downloads in Latin America come from Brazil. “Zentyal based solutions are affordable and easy to install and use. Consequently, they are very popular and seccessful among the users in a country where SMBs, which represent 99% of companies, have great difficulty to access financiation and to find qualified professionals” said José Ramón Padrón , Channel Sales Manager in Iberia and LatAm in Zentyal.

Zentyal doubles its partner network in Latin America

Zentyal continues its commitment to the development of its channel in 2013, especially in Latin America, which has doubled its network of authorized partners in just three months. The number of partners on the continent currently accounts for 32% of the total, above its target objective of 25% set at the beginning of the year. Mexico, Brazil and Chile, the markets in which Zentyal has more intesily concentrated its efforts in 2013, show the best results followed by Argentina, Ecuador and Colombia where also a high number of agreements have been signed.

The Zentyal partners base in Brazil, which was already associated in early 2013 with the companies Leucotron, NetSol and DBLink, has recently been expanded with the signing of a new agreement with TMBTI, IT service provider located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

TMBTI is a company specialized in providing complete IT infrastructure, from consulting, implementation and configuration to maintenance and support, which allows the creation of trusting relationships with customers. “TMBTI considers their partnership with Zentyal to be very positive. Zentyal solutions are robust and easy to implement, besides counting with friendly and intuitive graphical interface.They will help us to standardize TMB products, reach more companies and expand our portfolio of clients” said Thiago Barcelos, CEO of TMBTI.

In late June, José Ramón Padrón will visit the country again to meet with current network of Authorized Zentyal Partners to continue supporting them in their business development. Moreover, Padrón will mantain face-to-face meetings with ten IT providers and managed services providers that have shown interest in becoming partners with Zentyal and with whom the company is currently maintaining negotiations.

About Zentyal

Zentyal designs and develops IT solutions for small and medium businesses since 2004. The company provides SMBs and their local IT providers all-in-one IT solutions that are easy to use, from the server to the cloud. Zentyal-based solutions allow SMBs to reduce and rationalize IT investments, improve the security and minimize system downtime.

Zentyal-based solutions are widely used by small and medium businesses independently of their activity or location, as well as by public administration or the education sector. The partnership agreements signed with IT support and service providers in more than 20 countries guarantee the distribution of Zentyal-based solutions to customers worldwide.