Zentyal enters Chile to boost its internationalization strategy


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(Santiago, Chile) Zentyal, developer of easy IT solutions for small business, has presented today in Santiago, Chile, the most important aspects of the company’s business strategy for 2013. The company plans a strong international expansion in Europe and Latin America and consolidation of an authorized partner network that markets and supports Zentyal-based solutions.

The strategy, built around software products designed, developed and marketed by Zentyal, is based on three key pillars: a fully integrated all-in-one IT solution from the server to the cloud, a business model based on subscription services and a clear channel focus, helping partners to offer higher value-added services and to generate more revenue.

The trajectory of Zentyal demonstrates the suitability of Linux-based solutions in the small and medium businesses instead of proprietary solutions. Since the foundation of the company five years ago, Zentyal has managed to become a global reference point for all-in-one IT solutions aimed at SMBs, with a strong international presence. The competitive advantages offered by its products, that require very little local adaptation and are available from a distance for a reduced cost, are the main reasons that have driven the company towards internationalization.

During 2012, more than half of Zentyal’s turnover came from aboard. As for the customer base, approximately 60% were located in other European countries, Latin America and North America.

During 2013, the company foresees a consolidation in the Spanish market and expansion to other countries -including Mexico, Brazil and Chile-, that offer specially interesting markets for their economical situation as well as for the number of downloads, installations and partnership requests received by Zentyal in these countries. In Chile, Zentyal is currently in negotiations with 6 IT service providers that could join the partner network in the coming months. Thanks to this ambitious expansion plan, Zentyal aims to triple its turnover in 2013.

An attractive offering for small and medium businesses

Zentyal’s offering is aimed at small and medium businesses (SMBs) and Zentyal-based solutions are provided through trusted local IT support and service providers. Approximately 99% of the companies in Latin America are SMBs and they generate nearly 67% of all the jobs in the region. However, one of the main barriers SMBs face in order to speed up the business development is the difficulty in accessing funding. “Intensive use of ICT helps the SMBs to increase their competitiveness, accelerate the internationalization process and to improve internal processes. Zentyal-based solutions offer small and medium businesses professional IT infrastructure without any upfront investment, for a low monthly fee”, said José Ramón Padrón, Channel Sales Director for Iberia and LatAm at Zentyal.

“Thanks to the stability, openness to trade, competitiveness, favorable business climate and the interest of the public and private sectors in promoting the importance of the ICT sector, we believe we can sign very interesting alliances in Chile. Outsourcing of ICT services is common here – four out of ten Chilean companies have outsourced a business process management being network administration and communications services one of the most frequent -. Thanks to the remote monitoring and management tools we offer to our partners, they can provide these services without costly investments technology or training”, affirmed José Ramón Padrón.

From the server software to cloud-based services to manage network infrastructure, Zentyal offers SMBs and their local IT providers the advantages and savings of Software as a Service (SaaS), without license costs and making it possible to improve the safety and reliability of computer networks, reduce technology investments and operational costs. Today Zentyal offers a leading open source alternative to Microsoft products aimed at SMBs (Windows Small Business Server or Microsoft Exchange, etc.), providing up to 50% of savings.

Zentyal integrates into a single platform solutions that help to manage corporate communication and network services, Internet access, network infrastructure and, in addition, these can be remotely monitored and managed, all through a simple and easy-to-use graphical user interface that can be used without extensive training. Moreover, as the solution is offered as a subscription service, the cost is very affordable for small and medium businesses that can enjoy a full commercial edition starting from $30.288 CLP per month.

Unlike other Linux distributions aimed at the SMB market, Zentyal is backed by Canonical -the company behind the Ubuntu distribution- and it offers major functionality and integration. Of the 40,000 monthly downloads, 21% proceed from Latin America. The free accounts account for the same percentage in the region.

A strong commitment to the distribution channel

The company plans to create a solid partner network in Chile, and at the moment, the company is in partnership negotiations with six IT support and service providers. Zentyal’s business strategy is based on the network of Authorized Zentyal Partners with two main categories: Professional -Managed service providers with a clear focus on a geographic area or a vertical market- and Premier -Strategic partners with extensive knowledge on Zentyal technology and access to large projects.

Currently channel sales account for 35% of the company’s turnover although the company expects to increase this percentage to reach 90% next year and to achieve its target of 100% in 2015. To this end, in 2013 Zentyal plans to sign new partnership agreements with IT support and service providers, managed service providers, system integrators and software development companies. The goal is to boost the partner network in Mexico, Brazil and Chile, guaranteeing a greater presence in Latin America.

The Zentyal Partner Program offers technical training, ZeCA (Zentyal Certified Associate) Exam together with sales training. Other resources offered by Zentyal to its partners include sales materials and business opportunities generated through company’s marketing activities. In addition, partners count on both sales support as well as specialized technical support for Zentyal-based projects.

About Zentyal

Zentyal designs and develops IT solutions for small and medium businesses since 2004. The company provides SMBs and their local IT providers all-in-one IT solutions that are easy to use, from the server to the cloud. Zentyal-based solutions allow to reduce and rationalize IT investments, improve the security and minimize system downtime.

Zentyal-based solutions are widely used by small and medium businesses independently of their activity or location, as well as by public administration or the education sector. The partnership agreements signed with IT support and service providers in more than 20 countries guarantee the distribution of Zentyal-based solutions to customers worldwide.