“Zentyal for Network Administrators” book (in English) available for pre-order with 15% discount


The Zentyal Development Team is proud to announce that the English version of the “Zentyal for Network Administrators” book is now available for pre-order with 15% discount. The discounted pre-order price will be available for two weeks and the shipping will start on the 31st of March. The book, that until now has been available only in Spanish, describes the most important technical features of Zentyal and helps the reader to learn to manage successfully small business IT infrastructures by means of theoretical introductions, practical examples, exercises and professional tips.

“The Spanish version of the book has been extremely well received and valued as useful training material and professional reference manual” said Javi Vázquez, Chief Operating Officer at Zentyal. “Ever since we launched the first Spanish version, our customers and community members have asked for an English edition and thanks to the cooperation with Interlinux, our UK-based partner, we’re very happy to offer it starting from today!”

Besides being a full guide to Linux-based network management with Zentyal, the book “Zentyal for Network Administrators” is written with the aim of preparing the reader for the ZeCA certification exam (Zentyal Certified Associate). This vendor-certified exam allows IT professionals to validate their knowledge in Linux small business server management with Zentyal. You can now download a .pdf sample of the book (chapter of the HTTP Proxy Service) from the Zentyal On-line Store.