Zentyal launches its partners network in Chile after signing agreements with three IT providers in Santiago


(Santiago, Chile) Zentyal, developer of easy IT solutions for small business, established a network of partners in Chile for the first time with the signing of agreements with three IT providers: SVG Producciones, Ifix and Swetekno. This new network of Zentyal authorized partners in Chile, based in the country’s capital, Santiago, is the result of three months of intense activity of the company for channel development.

SVG Producciones offers consulting and professional services related to computer networking and security, as well as IT management services, including monitoring of servers that they have provided to their customers. They also offer design services and web application development. Their philosophy is to partner with their clients to act as agents of change and help them to achieve overall improvements.

We chose Zentyal for its versatility, which allows us to offer a high-quality IT infrastructure solution for both clients with tight budgets and large organizations that require larger solutions. This will allow us to increase the range of action of our business” says Ignacio Andrés Lorca, CEO of SVG Producciones. “Contact with Zentyal team has been very fluid from the beginning. They always give prompt and concrete answers to our concerns and keep us abreast of updates and offers” Lorca adds.

Ifix Ltda is a company dedicated to providing technology consulting and implementation of IT solutions to its customers, especially in the areas of network infrastructure, telephony, connectivity, and video surveillance. It also offers managed services support to SMBs, a market where the company is focusing its business today.

With Zentyal we can manage network services and applications we offer to our customers from a single platform more easily, which allows us to reduce the time invested in implementation. Zentyal is an excellent tool for a network services integrator, as it facilitates the work and allows for easier error detection. Being an affordable and robust solution, it is a good option for the SMB market, which is increasingly more concerned about technology infrastructure” says Alonso Alday, CEO of Ifix Ltda.

Swetekno is a company that sells, imports and exports advanced technology to solve specific problems in the fields of the environment and information technology. It specializes in developing technology solutions for local customers based on innovative technologies, such as Zentyal.

The interest in Zentyal based solutions has soared in Chile. In a short time we have established a network of authorized partners in the country and attracted the interest of tens of SMBs that want to deploy an all-in-one solution in their companies, so that their IT infrastructure is managed externally by an IT provider and all for a very affordable cost” denotes José Ramón Padrón, Channel Sales Manager in Iberia and Latin America in Zentyal.

Zentyal doubles its partner network in Latin America

Zentyal continues its commitment to the development of its channel in 2013, especially in Latin America, which has doubled its network of authorized partners in just three months. The number of partners on the continent currently accounts for 32% of the total, above its target objective of 25% set at the beginning of the year. Mexico, Brazil and Chile, the markets in which Zentyal has more intesely concentrated its efforts in 2013, show the best results followed by Argentina, Ecuador and Colombia where a high number of agreements have also been signed.

With the aim of supporting SVG Producciones, Ifix and Swetekno in their first steps as Zentyal authorized partners, José Ramón Padrón will travel to Chile in late June for face-to-face meetings with them. Padrón will also meet with fifteen IT and managed services providers with whom Zentyal keeps open negotiations to continue expanding the Zentyal partners network in the country.

The interest in the Chilean IT channel by the advantages of partnering Zentyal is proportional to the increasing interest of the users. This is reflected, for example, in the rise of the number of Zentyal server downloads, which increased by 35.5% in 2013 compared to 2012, indicating that the Zentyal user base in the country is continuing to grow. The potential Zentyal based solutions in Chile is proven by the growing number of free accounts registered in the country, which has increased by 10% from 2012 to 2013.

The release of Zentyal Cloud, a unique cloud product in the market, has accelerated the increase in Zentyal and Zentyal partners opportunities, as it is a novel proposal and it is sold only through IT providers channel. Zentyal Cloud is the only service in the market that lets you manage users, permissions, files and e-mail in the cloud, being totally synchronized with the local IT infrastructure.

About Zentyal

Zentyal designs and develops IT solutions for small and medium businesses since 2004. The company provides SMBs and their local IT providers all-in-one IT solutions that are easy to use, from the server to the cloud. Zentyal-based solutions allow SMBs to reduce and rationalize IT investments, improve the security and minimize system downtime.

Zentyal-based solutions are widely used by small and medium businesses independently of their activity or location, as well as by public administration or the education sector. The partnership agreements signed with IT support and service providers in more than 20 countries guarantee the distribution of Zentyal-based solutions to customers worldwide.